Not sure why you're only quoting me when the entire comment section of your post is shunning you for being a moron. It's not the marketplace that I (or others) have a problem with; its scammers like yourself that turn the marketplace in to a giant shit pit. If your price was even remotely reasonable, I'd have wished you good luck in your potential sales.
The main problem I have with MaxCheaters is that the staff doesn't actively ban people for posting what is a blatant scam, letting retards like yourself run wild like down syndrome children in a gymnasium.
Sorry to hear you're upset over files that have been made available for free; I hope you find a project that is better suited for your needs. Perhaps a scammers $20,000 USD version of a chronicle without mods is more your speed? Wish you the best of luck in your attempts to pray the gay away.
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