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[align=center].: Custom L2J-VN Rev. 72 Server Pack :.[/align]




.: What's differents with orginal L2J :.





= Core server:


+ 30/01: Fixed player can't hit fake death player (yellowperil)


+ 30/01: Fixed C4 private store packet (L2J Fortress)


+ 29/01: Added pick up priority on the item (AaliyaH)


+ 26/01: Added support dwarf crafting items in C4 (L2J Fortress)


+ 24/01: Added support player can view mobs stats/droplist by shift click (L2JF)


* 23/01: Fixed player dupe items by clan warehouse (dantist)


* 20/01: Fixed Lazy Cache when enable some npc have missing text


+ 19/01: Added formulas 'forth' and 'murkt', need JBF engine (L2J Fortress)


* 19/01: Fixed negation skills skillhandler (tisdav)


* 19/01: Low HP skills fix (Titoune)


* 17/01: Fixed C4 warehouse deposit & withdraw (L2J Fortress)


* 17/01: Fixed some PVP problems in previous version


* 16/01: Fixed C4 party window (L2J Fortress)


* 15/01: Exp/sp penalty now more like official (L2J Fortress)


* 15/01: Improved stun formula for 'none' method (fulminus)


* 15/01: Fixed bug 0 exp/sp when rates higher than 5x


* 15/01: Fixed C4 name color, skill learn, auto soulshot (L2J Fortress)


* 12/01: Fixed negate stats of Twilight hatchling


* 09/01: Fixed Drain skills (H1ghL4nd3r)


+ 09/01: Better handle for Unicode file (L2J Fortress)


+ 09/01: Support russian html language (L2J Fortress) (set MainLanguage = ru)


* 09/01: Effect Confusion shouldn't work in non attackble object (L2J Fortress)


+ 09/01: Option for disable grade penalty


+ 09/01: Option for disable server restart player recommendation point


* 09/01: Use formula in L2J Fortress for Curse Death Link (orginal so weak)


+ 07/01: Support announcements file in Unicode (L2J Fortress)


+ 06/01: Support alliance war (L2J Fortress)


+ 04/01: New admin panel for change config server on the fly (L2J Fortress)


* 04/01: Correct newbie buffer like official except Life Cubic (L2J Fortress)


* 03/01: Fixed exploit by private shop and enchant without scroll (L2J Fortress)


+ 03/01: Some new custom options in custom.properties (L2JC)


+ 28/12: Move all custom setting to custom.properties


+ 27/12: Option for customize GM/VIP name color


+ 27/12: Option for allow player teleport to Necro/Catacomb without any check


+ 26/12: Option for enable/disable clan penalty


+ 26/12: Support create item skills (L2JC)


+ 26/12: Support HP gain skills (L2J Fortress)


+ 25/12: Option in admin menu for set player level


* 25/12: Fixed some null pointers


* 25/12: Calc. angle when use shield.


* 24/12: Fixed server not save buylist when edit in-game


* 24/12: Fixed Jail system in JBForth engine


+ 23/12: Option for limit maximum Patk/Matk speed


+ 22/12: Enable/Disable Bypass Encryption to avoid all exploit by help.htm


+ 20/12: Summon any monster as GM's pet


+ 20/12: Option in admin menu for give adena to player


+ Added more functions in admin menu


+ Enable/Disable JBForth engine


+ Enable/Disable Auto Learn Skills


+ Enable/Disable L2J Copyright text when player enter world


+ Maximum when buy/sell items is 25.000 for disable some exploit


+ Support sending Vietnamese messages in server -> client


+ Support maximum level is 80


+ Support create item in admin menu can give item to player


+ Support snoop command for GM spy when player chat


+ Support call wyvern by item (ID 4425)


+ Support GM remove clan wait for player in admin menu


+ Support GM account login in telnet when server full


+ Support for Energy Stones


+ Support for TARGET_AREA_CORPSE_MOB type skills


+ Support for Signboard in town/arena


+ Support for UNHOLY/SACRED element


+ Added multiplier for Pet's EXP/SP


+ Added enchant menu for easy enchant every items in equip


+ Added skills use charge will count soulshot damage now


+ Added dagger skills will count critical damage now


+ Added surrender when clan wars


+ Added system messages will show damage of your summon/pet


+ Added new resist skills system for bonus between elements of skills


+ Added minions will follow boss when boss move


* Fixed you can't ally with clan currently clan wars with your clan.


* Fixed char rename for avoid duplicate name


* Fixed now you can sit on throne if you are castle lord


* Fixed skills for Wind/Star hatching


* Fixed no action if use MDAM skills and player don't equip weapon


* Fixed when use Fake Death you can't attack/run or regen HP/MP...


* Fixed when you get stun/sleep/root... will stop your current attack/cast


* Fixed magic reuse delay now depend your cast speed


* Fixed TARGET_UNDEAD now check target type is Undead and don't Dead


* Fixed TARGET_AREA now work like retail


* Fixed TARGET_ALLY if player don't have ally will apply to clan


* Fixed FEAR skills now work











= Datapack:


+ 31/01: Data_fix: Catacomb Apostate/Branded/Forbiden Path/Witch (Pivi_CT)


+ 31/01: Data_fix: Script for add soulshots to town merchants (mastermind007)


+ 28/01: Data_fix: New C4 spawnlist (vitacite)


+ 28/01: Data_fix: Correct droplist for catacomb and necropolis (titan86vn)


+ 27/01: Data_fix: Correct for summoned pets stats (HF/Drake)


+ 26/01: Data_fix: Some C4 NPC Stats/Skills/Droplist (edinho_sp)


+ 26/01: Data_fix: Full C3 Droplist (edinho_sp)


+ 25/01: Added full C4 etcitems sql (deft)


+ 25/01: Added full C4 armor/jewel sets bonus (lothlorien)


+ 25/01: Fixed Lightning Strike have 100% chance success (L2JC)


+ 24/01: Added full C4 weapon/armor xml with correct stats (L2J Fortress)


+ 24/01: Data_fix: Full fixes for Necropolis of Sacrifice (mastermind007)


+ 24/01: Added full C4 NPC list with correct names, need edit stats (KID)


+ 24/01: Added new C4 summon skills, ID 1331->1333 (htsachakis)


* 21/01: Fixed Punch of Doom will have effect stun like official


+ 21/01: Added some C4 skills (jpizarro)


+ 19/01: Added some stats for 'murkt' formula (L2J Fortress)


+ 19/01: C4 GMShop in admin menu but some items not work, need xml (L2J Fortress)


+ 18/01: Full C4 weapon/armor sql, need correct xml files (L2J Fortress)


+ 18/01: Html file for Innadril chamberlain (Anuria)


+ 16/01: Data_fix: Full C3 NPC stats from l2db.ru (L2J Fortress)


* 15/01: Fixed quest 231_TestOfMaestro (Whiter)


+ 13/01: Added C4 teleporter in Aden and admin menu (postman)


+ 12/01: Added some C4 mobs (jpizarro)


* 09/01: Fixed some items in GMShop have low price than real price (lasertom)


* 09/01: Correct elements of some skills (L2J Fortress)


* 09/01: Fixed Servitor Ultimate Defense


+ 03/01: Quest Coins of Magic (L2J Fortress)


+ 28/12: Data_fix for ToI NPC stats (Topper)


* 27/12: Merchant of Mammon don't need blank scroll for buy enchant scroll


* 26/12: Fixed a lots skills and stacking (L2J Fortress rev. 646)


* 26/12: Fixed some items for pet (aranox)


* 26/12: Fixed Lionheart/Prayer/Mental Aegis (L2J Fortress)


* 26/12: Fixed Quiver of Arrow A/S (L2JC)


* 25/12: Correct henna price (CDWriter)


* 25/12: Fixed Aegis/Focus Attack/Aegis Stance


+ 24/12: Blacksmith Wilbert in Aden will enhance all weapons (Need JBF engine)


* 24/12: Fixed name of some skills


+ 22/12: Event Bashtal's Labor (Need JBF engine enable)


+ Support for C4 weapons and S grade armor sets (need special patch)


+ data_fix is collection of fixes from a lots contrib


+ GMShop in Giran and custom B grade luxury shop in Aden


+ Exchange high grade weapon in Mammon (Need JBF engine enable)


+ Exchange newbie stuff in Event Manager


+ Tattoo shop in GMShop and all tattoo work.


+ missing minions


* Support for unlock skill


* Correct reflectDam and absorbDam stacking for nomore 110% reflect dmg


* A lots NPC Stats now more like retail


* Spawnlist base on C3 and added missing spawn in Catacomb/Necropolis


* A lots skills now more like retail




+ : Added


* : Fixed








Sources :




- Greenhope Addons (web base + translation pack)


- Original L2_Gameserver rev. 72 Files from : https://opensvn.csie.org/l2jvn/






Download pre-compiled version (rev.72) + web base + translation pack for Vietnamese, Russian, Spanish and German :




Mirror :














.: How to install server :.








+ Prepare software:


- Download Sun J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 from this link and install it:






- Download this server pack and unpack to 'C:\server'




- NOTICE: Server have been pre-configured for that path, don't unpack to


D:\Server or other path if you don't know how to change config path








+ Setup server:


- If your connection behind router/firewall, you must open both TCP and UDP


ports: 80,2106,7777 for external players connect to your server.




- Now open C:\server\l2j\login\config\loginserver.properties and edit:


ExternalHostname=(blank) => Your Internet/WAN IP ( www.whatismyip.com )


or leave blank if your server is LAN server


InternalHostname= => Your LAN IP


or don't change it if you play offline




- Start Apache/MySQL server by run C:\server\start.bat




- Use phpmyadmin ( http://localhost/a/ ) and create new


database 'l2jdb' or create folder name l2jdb in this path:






- Insert database from datapack to MySQL server


(this is optional step if you run server for first time)


by run C:\server\l2j\tools\database_installer.bat,


press (f) to choose Full Install.








+ Start server:


- Start Login server by run C:\server\l2j\startLoginServer.bat




- Start Game server by run C:\server\l2j\startGameServer.bat


*** Alternative method use Bla:




- Run C:\server\bla\bla.exe




- In tray icons, choose Loginserver/(re)start server, then continue choose


Gameserver/(re)start server




- More info & config bla you can reference bla.ini & readme.txt in bla folder




+ Configure client:


- Download C3 client:






- Update to lastest revision protocol by run lineageii.exe (in root folder)


and click full check files.




- Go to "C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\" and edit the "hosts" file,


add this line in the end of file: (or your server IP) L2authd.lineage2.com

  • 2 months later...

sry for noob question but this is for C3 or C4?


and bttw...with mcafee how can i open the ports (If your connection behind router/firewall, you must open both TCP and UDP


ports: 80,2106,7777 for external players connect to your server. ) ???




i should download it with SVN with eclipse??


it needs a password...




@Ayuna it works with C1 or C2 or C3 or C4 or everything... ;P what connection have u got? if u have a modem just ignore it and go to next step :)

@YuckFou download it from megaupload.com ..


I tried' date=' but i came up with this: [b']All download slots (200) assigned to your country (Greece) are in use.


Please try again later. [/b]




Maybe i should try later, but i've already tried many times... :cry:

i should download it with SVN with eclipse??


it needs a password...




@Ayuna it works with C1 or C2 or C3 or C4 or everything... ;P what connection have u got? if u have a modem just ignore it and go to next step :)




yop modem with dial up conectiom...tnx for help...btw...i cant download nothingo from the links

  • 2 years later...
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