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To gnosto paixnidi tis elladas sto maxcheaters xD

Egw rwtaw as poume:Ti pososto ton ellinon 8a...mpla mpla mpla

Kai o allos apantaei as poume :10-40%

PROSOXI:8a prepei na kimenete apo 0-30% kai oxi ligotero oute perisotero i apantisi

Kai meta o allos rwtaei ton apo katw ktl...

Ti pososto ton ellinon exoun kanei sex sto autokinhto?


asxeta apo to wrong section! prepei na paei sto spam section! report!


pes kaneis thn erotisi! oka mexri edw!

meta apantaw egw 50%-80% meta 8a leme kai an einai sosto?? h' o ka8enas 8a petaei to noumero pou 8elei :S :S




EDIT: ase dn kanw report einai o k4rma apo panw! :)

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