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L2Equal New Interlude Project

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Open the god  damn skills and lower the power, lethal vals, and overhit. And stop flaming about it. Put your mind on work and try to make it yourself.

Minutis is rechecking the skills so be patient. Update to the last rev the confusion skills are fixed.


We just report the bugs so they get fixed relax that's the point, to fix them not only on my server but on the pack too ;)



Btw i think you can bug with observe at olympiad (buff i think i dont know the bug exactly soz)

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Guys, it's open project, everyone just says: i'm not part of team, so why should i help. I found how to fix a bug in your server, but i won't share... OMG ppl are so selfish.

It's about me? The daggers work as they should because the "skills" are retail like. If u spam blows 123213 buff slots ofc daggers are overpowerd they should lower their power due to theyr server's features.  Am I right?

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To edit gm speed go in stats/skills/7000-7099.xml

and edit skill 7029. This is what u must edit : <table name="#Tab-runSpd"> 1.5 2 3 4 </table>

<skill id="7029" levels="4" name="Super Haste">

  <table name="#Tab-runSpd"> 1.5 2 3 4 </table>

  <table name="#Tab-mReuse"> 1 2 4 30 </table>

  <table name="#Tab-mAtkSpd"> 1.5 1.8 3 4 </table>

  <table name="#Tab-pAtkSpd"> 1.2 1.5 2 3 </table>

  <set name="power" val="0.0"/>

  <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>

  <set name="skillType" val="CONT"/>

  <set name="operateType" val="OP_TOGGLE"/>

  <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>

  <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>


    <effect name="Buff" time="144000" count="1" val="0">

      <mul order="0x30" stat="runSpd" val="#Tab-runSpd"/>

      <div order="0x30" stat="mReuse" val="#Tab-mReuse"/>

      <mul order="0x30" stat="mAtkSpd" val="#Tab-mAtkSpd"/>

      <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="#Tab-pAtkSpd"/>





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