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Heey guys and girls here i am ones ageen this time with an easy Ctf system working for Gracia Final

i testet it my self it had allot of errors but me and my brother whare able to fix it and set it useble for gracia final

im using it my self and no errors at all


o damn w8 sec o yes here is the link XD


[glow=red,2,300]Link whas removed![/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]Sorry people i removed this link becous the l2jserver.jar dont work on other servers i posted a new topic sharing my full Server included the Gracia Final ctf system and auto tvt system inside :)[/glow]


its easy to set it  here is ones ageen litle guild


1 open your navicat

2 batch file the sql

3 open your server folder /gameserver folder

4 make a copie of your l2jserver just to be sure =)

5 overwrite the l2jserver with the one of the zip file that you downloaded

6 insert handlers and overwrite them with the old one in gameserver/Data/Scrips

7 start your server and write in game //ctf and set your even :)



credits www.l2rich.co.nr , Richard22, http://l2jhd.co.uk, Admiral, and another dude whare we got the files from i dunno his name sorry for that w8 let me chek aa yes a darki699 but thats some one i dont know XD Well good luck with the ctf let me know how it works for u btw dont forget its only for Gracia Final/l2j !!! i dident test in on l2free

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