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is there anyone playing on off..? how stats looks like on frenzy there?

after update frenzy gives me sth like... +200 p attack more:/ not 5k or 15k (depends on buffs, weapon, etc) like before...

can some1 shoot me with screen from off, if possible?



are u playing L2J?mby admin change frenzy p atack or mby its a bug it can be several things because is not normal u have 2k p atack with frenzy even in gracia so im sure the problem is from the server


like JavuS said better ask in l2official site coz here there are almost nobody with accounts in retail and who have the accounts need to be activated XD

GL with your search


this has been resolved in l2j core project. go check the main forums and look for gnat's post. he has screenshots and everything.

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