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[Guide] How can make Mylticlass

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1)hello for meke Mylticlass  server have  cat change class..

2)have 1 Char lvl 20 no qeust..

3)Make Qeust the buffer (cleric) the end Qeust item dont give nothing ..

4)Now u go cat change class and u make Human Wizzard...

5)Now go lvl 40 make Necro or Sorceror (Qeust item dont give take for self )

6)Now go lvl 78 make and 3 class...

7)Now go gludin and give this qeust make (cleric)and give Grang Magister Guild...

8)Now make Cleric:D and u are lvl 78

9)Now u go Cat class change and now make Bishop or Prophet:D THE END...



This is for c5j server work:)


Sry for my bad english:S



old and your english is very badd ;D

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when you do that what stats do you keep?? the stats from the last job or the first?

you'll get all skill of the classes you have added, but only of 2class you gain 3rd job skills, you'll get the 3rd job skills only on the 1st class and the final class you choised.

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