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My new sig


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Hi guys this is the  1st sig i make following blane's guide and the 3rd in total


Hope u like it,leave comments but no harsh ones plz :P


Here it is:




EDIT:Ftm i fixed the text,better now?

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For first signature is very good.


But try to resize your render.


BTW Text sucks... I can not understund what you write, you put very much effects in text. Sometimes the simlpe is better! ;)

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I made a new one i know its nothing special but i hope u like it


to say the truth i don't like it ...


you need more work i think because you use all the time the same type of C4ds and aren't so good


also and the renders aren't so good man my suggestion is to practise more follow these 2 guides and i am s00r that you will be better


Video Guide: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=57370.0

The same with the video guide but with photos and more explaining i think: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=63089.0


now try one of them because their are the same and be better :P

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