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[Tutorial] How To Create A Console Application [C++]

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First please download Dev C++ because it is great for beginners. Once you have Dev C++ installed open it, once you have opened it goto File>New>Project>Console Application and pick a directory and name it Practice.dev.


Now you must be like, huh, what does this mean? Well don't panic because you'll understand by the time this is over. Well lets break the code down. Also with C++ you always have to end a statement with a statement terminator ";".


#include <cstdlib>


You use this header for general operations and also because it defines multiple things, these include dynamic memory management, random number generation, communication with the environment, integer arthmetics, searching, sorting and converting.


#include <iostream>


This is another header, execpt this one you use for when you want to use "cout" and "cin".


Woot, we've finished the headers. Did I loose you? Well don't stop now were not even half way.


using namespace std;


When you use this code in C++ its for everything, a function, a class or object from the C++ standard library.

Examples: cout, cin, ect...


int main(int argc, char *argv[])


First we declare "main" after wards we declare "argv" in main, as a char *, a pointer to an array of pointers to arrays of chars.



Yeah! Now you about halfway done, only four more lines of code before we finish.


   return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Firstly, this in the code in "main" which we declared earlier, you can tell because we declared it and then we have the opening and closing brackets with code inside them. The "system("PAUSE")" means that we launch "PAUSE" as a system command, as you may or may not know Batch has a similar function where "PAUSE" is used. Pause basically just pauses your application and waits for the user to respond, it does this by saying "Hit any key to continue ect.." and it waits for the user to hit a key. So after they hit a key, the program exits and that's where "return EXIT_SUCCESS;" comes into play. After wards if you are using Dev C++ (Like you should be if you are a beginner) hit F9 to compile+run the Console Application that I just explained.


Now after you understand the Console Application coding, I will teach you how to make your computer speak.


Firstly we will be using "cout" which I have mentioned earlier. Cout is an object of class "ostream" which represents the standard output stream, not only that but it corresponds to the cstdio stream stdout.


cout << "Hello, this is your computer talking." << endl;

Go ahead and paste that code into your project


Pretty sweet huh? You just made your computer talk. Now let me explain what it means. After "cout" we have "<<" which just tells the computer that we are about to make it say something and then we have what we want to say in quotation marks "" and after wards we have another set of "<<" to tell the computer that we are finished with what we had to say and then we have "endl" which ends the line and finally a statement terminator ";" to stop the statement.


yeah i see that... but i post 2 i think the one is easier for begginers... so i do it.. ohh and at ur signature if u are yurnero i think u are imba on dota.. :)) but.. when u put the warps ulty doesnt cut?!


Dev-C++ is absolutely horrible and outdated. Do NOT use it. Use Microsoft Visual Studio Express Edition. It is free to use and wonderful for beginner programmers to utilize and get used to. Also comes with the windows SDK so you can code windows apps.


Also: This is a horrible tutorial and does not teach anything. Please learn before you try to teach.

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