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fund : China

specie : reptile / amphibian


source: http://images.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=http://www.oneinchpunch.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/dragon-fossil.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.oneinchpunch.net/2007/06/30/real-dragon-fossils-on-display-in-china/&usg=__JnLWp5dCDUQZ8eNxZQYCYSxbeK4=&h=316&w=420&sz=125&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=_cPCxDmuWJdfPM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=125&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dweird%2Bfossils%2Bdragon%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1


Dragons have often appeared in Chinese legends. The dragon with two horns on its head is regarded as a totem. The totem was first invented by Chinese ancestors and worshipped by the Chinese people. Therefore Chinese people are also called the “descendents of the dragon”.


For a long time, scientists thought that the dragon was a fictional animal existing only in stories.


The dragon fossil was found in Guanling County, Anshun City, in 1996, and has been kept in a good condition. It is measured 7.6 meters long. Its head is 76 centimeters long and the neck is 54 centimeters long. The body is 2.7 meters in length and 68 centimeters in width, and the tail is 3.7 meters long.


The dragon’s head is in a triangle shape. Its mouth is 43 centimeters long. The widest part of the head is 32 centimeters long. The horns project from the widest part of the head, and are symmetrical and 27 centimeters long. They are a little bit curved and tilted, which makes the fossil look very much like the legendary dragon.


The China dragon was a reptile animal living in the ocean in Triassic Period about 200 million years ago. It was an amphibian. It spent most of its time living in water, although sometimes it walked on land. It also laid eggs on land. The animal lived on fish and small reptile animals.


This is the first time that China found a dragon fossil with a pair of horns. Its discovery provides some evidence to prove that dragons might really have horns. The fossil provides important scientific information for people to trace the origin of the Chinese legendary dragon.



guess they "created" or found a dragon corpse @ china ;p


yep that chiness makes me confuse  cuz if looks like mummyfy and im not convence that is the real one or they made it only for desplay the hell of crap..maybe an X-ray will convence me ..


here some fossils :


its looks like an Pre-historic bird



here is another dragon realised in 2004



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