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[HELP]Couldn't connect to db.[Donate System, Ranking]



I've got very awful error. It says:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL 


I don't know what to do, because my MySQL version is 5.0 . I hadn't that error before my IP changed. Please someone help me, because when I installl 6.0 MySQL i can't create server, because it has MyISAM errors.


Need help, help me professionals, I know you can do it.

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if your trying to connect your website to your remote database then you need to have a static ip or a dinamic ip and then give permission to this ip from the tool you manage the mysql and put the ip as username on the website :) or just give access to you website ip


if im wrong im sorry i have to sleep 2 days and i cant think normal :D

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I have perfect IP because, players can connect to my server without things like Hamachi, they connect easily with patch. But I cheched MySQL. It's version is 5.1 but it's not working anyway...

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