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Hi everyone :)


New PvP Server


500x started few days ago...


very good gameplay and it's rly easy to get top staff (ench. rate 85%)

lot of gracia FINAL features (skils, gracia continent, soon items... )




You need to have Gracia Final and add this lines to your hosts file:

(C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) L2authd.Lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com



http://www.l2.x-world.pl/page/rejestracja/56 <- here u make an account

login = nick (ID)

Hasło = password

adres e-mail = your email ;p

Potwierdź = your email one more time

Sekretne pytanie: = your own question

Odpowiedź: = answer for that question


*Przeczytałem i akceptuję regulamin w całości = i read & accepted the rules

*Równocześnie oświadczam, iż posiadam pełną zdolność do czynności prawnych = eee i don't know how to translate it to english xD


anyway mark those two things and click Rejestruj Nowego Gracza (register a new player)







http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/5098/shot00077l.jpg (airships rly works here xD)


most of gracia final skills works too...

The only problem is small community :S



so... join us :)


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