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[ L2 Final ] Lineage 2 Hoowi ( PVP Server )


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Admin please help me..from when i got teleport to Giran(safe zone)..now i am stucked here,i mean that when i Log In now my game stop running and got block..then i must close it :/..it's the first Gracia final server where i get this problem..any idea?

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Admin please help me..from when i got teleport to Giran(safe zone)..now i am stucked here,i mean that when i Log In now my game stop running and got block..then i must close it :/..it's the first Gracia final server where i get this problem..any idea?

your in game name is ? ..... i will fix u and when this problem start and what exactly ?? u pressed on teleport and now u stucked ? or what u done ???

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my name in game is Vergil,i'll try to explain u the problem: a guy killed me,then i pressed TO VILLAGE but the game got DC/block and i closed L2..then i started again l2.exe>>ID and PW>>login..start...then i am in giran,stucked and when npcs appears the game block..:/

i'll try to make another char and test,named Silver


edit: problem solved only in Giran..now i tried to go on Farm zone(here i had no problems yesterday) and now i got stucked here..is a problem from the server ?:/

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