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Cinema effect in photoshop.


Yesterday i saw a tutorial shows you how to add an effect that makes the photo look like is has been token from a cinema movie but the tutorial was in Vietnamese language so i took the idea and i make this tutorial so i hope you like it and this is the effect


from this:




to this




As usually the first step is to select your photo it has to be fully color high quality (at least 800px,600px) I choose this click her to see it .


now open it in photoshop and let us start working


1-duplicate the background layer




2-Go to Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation (or click Ctrl+U) then set the settings just like the pic




3-After that go to Image>Adjustments>Exposure then follow the next pic




4-Now duplicate the background copy layer




5-Go to Filter>Blur>Lens Blur then put the settings just like the pic




6-Add layer mask to the Background copy 2 layer by following the pic




7-After that select the brush tool then set the foreground color #000000 (black)




8-Click right with the mouse then set the brush settings like the pic (you can change the Master Diameter depending on the photo size )




9-Draw with the brush in the center of your image or the area that you want to be clear




10-Now add new layer




11-Select the paint bucket tool 11.jpg then fill it (the new layer) with the back color


12-Now change the opacity of the layer 1 to 60% (you can change it depending on the original photo brightness




13-Add a layer mask to layer one




14-Select the brush with the same previous setting (the size and the color) and draw the same area your drew in step 9




now if like to, you can add the two black area in the top and the bottom of the photo the final result :





and here other results:






Posted by ps-maker

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