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[Share]MrFishIt v3.2.2, Currently working with 3.1.2 9901

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1.Download and extract the files to a folder

2.Make sure you have latest .Net Framework



1.Log in on your World of Warcraft account

2.Go to you favourite fishing spot

3.Set-up the options as you wish

-- Options Explained --


Loot Table:

Enter the items you want looted separate with a comma "," ie. Magic Eater,Giant Sewer Rat,Sewer Carp



This set's the Interval of the bot. Higher makes it slower at deciding what to do and lower makes it fast. Recommended values is 900-1200



Looting: Will make it possible to use the Loot Table and looting of BoP items

Relure:Will run some lua for rulering, (works on all clients)

Cast: For casting Fishing



Keys to use if you don't use the injected features.

Pole: Drag your pole from the paper doll onto a empty slot

Skill: Drag your fishing skill from the spell book onto a empty slot

Lure: Drag a lure you want to use from your bags onto a empty slot


4.Select process from the list at the bottom. If it's empty simply move your mouse over it or press refresh. Press the start button. (The Fish !)

5.If you use the injected features for looting make sure you turn autoloot off.



How It Works

It Read/Writes from/to wow to get Object's and to Interact with them (no f***ing colour recognition )

It checks if your dead alive etc. Works on Vista/Xp


Credits to




Shynd for his blog

MaiN for doing all the lua

And everybody else in the memory editing section



Legal Note And Misc

This software may not be used on any of Blizzards servers... yadayada


The Downloads






Useful Addons




Changelog :


v3.2.2 Released 2009/05/21

Uses DLL Injection for interact & lua_dostring now.

hopefully it saves the options properly

some minor stuff.

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