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i just got bored so i was searching my fotos and i thought about somethink like this..

it actually took 1 minute on photoshop (cause i am bored to try -.-) but i think you need to see it :P



[gr] p kolaei to biblio re ?san spasiklakia 8a fenomaste ;p

Trans: where the book stack? we will look like weird ;p

Answer: wtf its just a speelbook

and looks preetynice -.-


[GR] WraiO NAME edwses stn photo ^^






mxc gtp.jpg



afto egine giati poly apla

enw einai wraia kai kaloutsikh

einai gtp apo enoia designing -.-

giafto kai to gtp sto telos

8a mporouse na ginei apeiros kalyterh xD



Eleos pou to paratirises re man.

On topic: Re thelei allh fotografia to vilvio den einai k toso wraio

na sou pw tin alh8eia 1 lepto ekatsa panw sthn foto

oute sec parapanw

apla vare8ika na koitaw to pc kai to ekana :)

p.x. panta paratiritikos o karma ( 8a ton parw karma na ma8ei!) xD


to kribete kala e.......

twa esy ti xerese?

exeis balei kai symaia pakistan les kai kati trexei sta gyftika..

xalarwse gt prosbaleis emena kai tous ypoloipous ellhnes & ksenous tou community!



afto egine giati poly apla

enw einai wraia kai kaloutsikh

einai gtp apo enoia designing -.-

giafto kai to gtp sto telos

8a mporouse na ginei apeiros kalyterh xD


Ntax ktlva ;P xaxa



Eleos pou to paratirises re man.


Exw matia kai vlepw - NikOs Makropoulos ^^



p.x. panta paratiritikos o karma ( 8a ton parw karma na ma8ei!) xD


Se prolave allos.


to kribete kala e.......


Us3r banned.


Reason: Flamming sinexwS.. oust..


ekana kai mia allh den einai poly wraia alla afth peira 10 lepta (ta 5 epsaxna thn foto XD)



den m ginotan h antanaklash

to ekana swsta

alla den eksafanizotan to tmhma tis antanaklaseis

ara den to postarw me to 2o anapoda apo katw xD


EDIT: TA KATAFERA :) mxctagsn4fix.th.jpg

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