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man it would be better if you give the page link and not the topic link because you gave the link from the first page and the spammer is at the last page. Also there are and 2 more spammers i think at the last page who didn't report but i will report them now




DarkChronicle spam

jojo26 spam


For god's sake guys do something here... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69353


This kid goes always and flames me about my shares


He got banned once for flaming staffmembers too


A GMod or something delete his spam and i request ban or at least dekarma(Dekarma isnt gonna work so i suggest ban)




Name: vladimiros


guys this boy in all topics make double post BAN him lol


Edit: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=68111.15 <--- Guys Again vladimiros double post make somethinf lol

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