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lipon katevazete to alcohol 120% apo do: http://www.alcohol-soft.com/ '>http://www.alcohol-soft.com/  kai afou to egatastisete anikste to. Tora valte to original(au8entiko cd) pou 8elete na pezete xoris to cd.Tora dialekte apo tis epiloges ''Image making Wizard''. Dialekste to xoro apo8ikeusis tou ikonikou diskou pou 8a ftiaxti.otan teliosi pigente stin arxiki selida kai kanto to eikoniko mount.Tora mporite na vgalete to cd.Eiste etimi kalo game!!!



Well guys we download the alcohol 120% by here : http://www.alcohol-soft.com/ and after the install oppen it.Now mount the original cd in your cd drive and select ''Image making Wizard''.Now select where you want to make the program the virtual drive.When it finished just left click the new image and select mount image. Now you can un mount your original cd and you can play without this. Nice game!!





[gr] γιατί να κάνουμε όλο αυτό αντί να βάλουμε ένα απλό crack...?


auto to kolpaki den exei na kani me iso kai me crack kani au8entika pexnidia na pezoun xoris cd oxi katevasmena me toorent


katse gt dn katalava dld to kanei .iso???(gt px egw katevazw paixnidia apo torrent einai .iso ta kanw mount alla kai pali kapies fores 8elei crack)


agapite mou file den kani ta arxia iso ftiaxni dika tou arxia pou miazoun me iso alla den einai idia episis den kani opos eipa me katevasmena paixnidia kani se kanonika agorasmena paixnidia  px an exete danisti ena paixnidi apo ena filo sas kai den pezi xoris cd etci 8a to pezete kai otan tou to epistrepsete ;D





gia ales apories post i kante pm



For any questions post in this topic or pm me




[GR]    Koitakste.. To alcohol to exw edw kai 3 mines...Crackarismeno ...

Einai to kalutero program meta to "Deamon Tools" pou kanei ta paixniDia na mn xriazoNtai DVD/CDRom.

      To .iso to kanei otan exeis kapio program apo to parakatw...


Gi'auto uparxei to Alcohol ! :D



[GR] Exyristw file polli kalo kai xrhsimo, Den to iksera ayto, Kai egw xreisimopoiw to Deamon Tools, alla twra tha dokimadw to alcohol!


pedia ksipniste ta daemon tools kanoun mount ta iso files alla xoris cd den pezoun xriazese crack autos o tropos den 8eli oute cd oute crack


Συζητήσεις με τέτοιο θέμα απαγορεύονται.Επομένως LOCKED.


Conversations about illegal stuff aren't allowed here.So, TOPIC LOCKED.



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