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É proibido falar português?


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I am newbie here. But I was treated with discrimination in this topic...


I am Brazilian and I know not communicate well in English. Sorry.

I'm with -2 karma by speaking in Portuguese.



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If you don't know English use a translator to help you :)


The global languages of MxC are English+Greek. There are many people who want to speak their own language like Russian,Spanish etC...

As i said before use a translator ^^


Translate for you :

Se você não sabe Inglês utilizar um tradutor para ajudá-lo:)


O mundial de MxC línguas são o Inglês + grego. Há muitas pessoas que querem falar a sua própria língua como o russo, espanhol etc ...

Como eu disse antes de utilizar um tradutor ^ ^


Next Time speak english use www.translate.google.com

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I know. I understand, but I am complaining of lack of tolerance and arrogance that I was treated.


Το ξέρω. Καταλαβαίνω, αλλά είμαι καταγγέλλοντες της έλλειψης ανοχής και της αλαζονείας που ήταν σε θεραπεία.


Eu sei. Eu compreendo, mas estou reclamando da falta de tolerância e a arrogância em que fui tratado.

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Rules are rules.

If you still think we're wrong you could pm a complain to a Global Moderator, and not just posting something with Portug. title in Off-Topic.Global moderator's names are blue-coloured.Click in one name and send a pm.


Useless topic.LOCKED.

Use pms next time please,


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