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Files that we will need before we start

Patched lineage2 env.int




So here we go:

Decode and open up env.int

You will get a big text.Scroll down until you see lines like these r1= g1= b1=:


Enchant20=(R1=1,G1=55,B1=10,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacit y=0.1,Num=0.1)

Enchant21=(R1=2,G1=66,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacit y=0.1,Num=0.1)

Enchant22=(R1=3,G1=77,B1=30,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacit y=0.1,Num=0.1)

Enchant22=(R1=4,G1=88,B1=40,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacit y=0.1,Num=0.1)



This what we needed.

Enchant0= is at what number the enchant is what

R1=0,G1=10,B1=20 is what the color is in RGB mode.

R2=0,G2=0,B2=30 is what the color will be.


Now we got what to edit

If you want to get red to 25 it should look like this.


Enchant25=(R1=255,G1=0,B1=0,R2=0,G2=0,B2=255,Opaci ty=50,Num=3)



From now on you know how to edit all these things but .. still you need to know from where to get the Numbers (ex. R1,G1,B1).You can look around google or look for RGB or a easier solution is PS or Paint.

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