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IG Walker much window Means here small самопал) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PT0BYVJY all is obligatory files of a boat is thrown in folder LineageII \System copied Start.exe in a root folder lineageII \ where autoupdater lays and accordingly to start game it is necessary through Start.exe (much window and bot, it was checked on windows Vista Ultimate Sp 1 32-bit operational system) the Prevention necessary to enter a login and the password срузу in current of 10 seconds as game was started, the mistake l2walker Windows socket init Fail later should get out if it has got out before you have chosen hero do not press yet will not choose and will not enter into game after is possible to press ок, further will get out again a mistake it is possible to press the hero to finish and with pleasure Bot's!!!! IF that that is not has gone, or suspicions on viruses that simply copy удаление.exe in a root folder with  autoapdater and all that was setup the given way will be erased!!! Here scan antiviruses, Be not frightened here the compiler



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