Forsak3n Posted May 2, 2009 Posted May 2, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lineage 2 Chronicle 4 Pack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Center: * Chronicle 4 Server Files Part 1 * Chronicle 4 Server Files Part 2 * Chronicle 4 HTML's * Chronicle 4 GeoData Part 1 * Chronicle 4 GeoData Part 2 * Chronicle 4 GeoData Part 3 * 100% AI and better scripts upgrade is avaible for 5 DC Required Software: * Microsoft SQL EXpress 2005 server I recommend exploit protection Depmax64.dll Not required software: * L2CP * L2ASP * L2Admin * L2Tools 1.6 Required System: * 2GB RAM * 20GB HDD * 10mbit dedicated connection * Windows 2003 x64 Server OS Make sure the operating system is a 64-bits system, since L2Server won't work in a 32-bits system. Lineage 2 OFF servers basically consist of the following: * AuthD * CacheD * L2Server * L2NPC Besides that, there are several folders with all several types of files. * Script * HTML * Geodata SERVER SETUP GUIDE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1 - changing INI's: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit config.txt under NewAuth\etc folder serverPort=2104 serverExPort=2106 serverIntPort=2108 worldport=7777 DBConnectionNum=10 encrypt=true numServerThread=2 numServerExThread=2 numServerIntThread=2 logDirectory="log" ;30810 : l2, 30310 : Sl ProtocolVersion=30810 ;8:lineage2, 4 halo GameID=8 DesApply=false PacketSizeType=3 ReadLocalServerList=false OneTimeLogOut=true CountryCode=2 DevConnectOuter=true ;change it as your WAN IP DevServerIP="" ;SocketTimeOut if player no Action while they in game then kick out. SocketTimeOut=10 SocketLimit=5000 AcceptCallNum=1 UseOneIOCom=true AcceptThread=1 WaitingUserLimit=100 dumppacket=false UserData=false UseLogD=false ;change it as your LAN IP logdip="" logdport=3999 logdconnectinterval=120 ;(true=auth-main reconnect on/false=auth-main reconnect off) SupportReconnect=false AutokickAccount=true NewEncrypt=false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit l2cache.ini under CacheD folder [LogD] ;change it as your LAN IP address="" port=3999 [setting] ;Country=0 KR ;Country=1 US ;Country=2 JP ;Country=3 TW ;Country=4 CN Country=4 ExceptionMailing=false [World] WorldId=1 Pair=0 [itemAudit] DefaultPriceLimit=100000000 DefaultPriceCheck=50000000 ChgRatioLimit=30 AdenaLimit=100000000 AdenaCheck=50000000 AdenaChgRatioLimit=30 SQLExecLimit=9000 ;clear unowned item data[0:false, 1:true] ItemClearOnStart=0 DiffBBSConn=0 SaveQsData=0 BBSDBTimeOut=60 USEBBS=0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit l2logd.ini under L2LogD folder [LogD] ;change it as your LAN IP address= port=3999 sendable=true [LogTable] Daily=1 BCPFolder=1 [start] BCPInt=3600000 ServerInt=3600000 AutoBCP=0 [World] WorldId=1 [sql] SQLExecLimit=5000 PollingInterval=6000 BCPThreadCount=5 [setting] ;Country=0 KR ;Country=1 US ;Country=2 JP ;Country=3 TW ;Country=4 CN country=4 ExceptionMailing=false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit L2NPC.ini under L2NPC folder [LogD] ;change it as your LAN IP address="" port=3999 [CacheD] ;change it as your LAN IP address="" port=2008 [server] ;change it as your LAN IP address="" port=2002 [map] directory="map" [World] WorldId=1 [db] ;change it as your LAN IP address="" port=2005 ;your SQL database account user="gamma" ;your SQL database password password="l2online" [setting] ;Country=0 KR ;Country=1 US ;Country=2 JP ;Country=3 TW ;Country=4 CN Country=4 ExceptionMailing=false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ edit l2server.ini under L2Server folder [LogD] ;change it as your LAN IP address="" port=3999 [CacheD] ;change it as your LAN IP address="" port=2006 [AuthD] ;change it as your LAN IP address="" port=2104 [petitionD] ;change it as your LAN IP address="" port=2107 ;change the name whatever u like worldname="Lineage2" [World] WorldId=1 UserLimit=2000 LetBuilder=0 [Report] ;minute Interval=60 [setting] ;Country=0 KR ;Country=1 US ;Country=2 JP ;Country=3 TW ;Country=4 CN Country=4 UserPathFind=false WorldCollision=false ExceptionMailing=false AcceptLowerProtocol=true ;you might need to change here, but leave it unless you got crash when u run L2Server.exe IOBufferCount=3000 ;limit hour for week, (number means hour. 0 means don't use. default is 0) playtimelimit=0 ;use auth reconn (1:use, 0:don't. default is 0) ;have to be 0, if dont, u can't login reconnectauth=0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit config.txt under PetitionD\etc folder ;Number of threads working for transaction and service socket. numberOfServiceThreads=10 ;Port number for world server worldPort=2107 ;Port number for petition client servicePort=2109 ;Run as test mode runMode=0 ;WebAuthD address ;change it as your LAN IP webAuthServer="" ;WebAuthD port webAuthPort=2108 ; Number of WebAuthD connections numberOfWebAuthConnections=0 ;Log directory logDirectory="log" ;status refresh interval(seconds) statusRefresh=1 ;Number of connections to petition database numberOfPetitionDBConnections=12 ;petition database connection string ;number of games to support, should be consistent with game_title table numberGames=2 petitionDatabase = "0xF6DBBAA8A7C57B6F418E95A7CFCBB4DAF09B9A5E39B 2FCA 717A7EA9C44E98FCDA34297C97542494D9977C5E9ED58FBE58 14852F7D8DAF11478AFEB5861F5572B4A2A7FE96453BBF6A3E 4445310F58A15FB3FA2D8D26BA61F2D6E0113053A1A6D3FF2B BDE07E242E5E29593F12D148CD1284ED2D17E6FE16FE96034D 3B4C21363" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Forsak3n Posted May 2, 2009 Author Posted May 2, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2 - SQL database's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit lin2comm_new.sql under DBScript find set @conn_str = '' + @world_id + ''';''gamma'';''l2online' change 127.0.0. as your LAN IP change gamma as your SQL database account change l2online as your SQL database password there are 3 lines you have to change find 'SQLOLEDB', '';'username';'password' change as your LAN IP change username as your SQL database account change password as your SQL database password there is only 1 line you have to change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit lin2world_20040609_all.sql under DBScript find set @conn_str = '' + @world_id + ''';''username'';''password' change 127.0.0. as your LAN IP change username as your SQL database account change password as your SQL database password there are 3 lines you have to change find 'SQLOLEDB', '';'username';'password' change as your LAN IP change username as your SQL database account change password as your SQL database password there are 2 lines you have to change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MS-SQL config 1. Creation of Databases - lin2world - lin2comm - lin2log - lin2report - lin2db - petition Databases mentioned above should be created. 2. Rightclick the Database - Registered sql server Property Edit(e) Click sql server identity uses(q) (Check this one) User Name(l) Password(a) Put the Name and Password which you have used on the installation This is the important part of this installation .Usually errors occur somewhere in here, so follow along really carefully. RUN your SQL Server Agent 3. lin2world Database - lin2world_20040609_all.sql Analyze Query,than press save and next to Query Section Analyer, Click on TriangleDisplay box finishes this section. 4. lin2comm Database - lin2comm_new.sql analyze query next to Query Section Analyer, Click on TriangleDisplay box finishes this section. 5. lin2log Database - lin2log_20040416.sql analyze query next to Query Section Analyer, Click on TriangleDisplay box finishes this section. 6. lin2report Database - lin2report_20040416.sql analyze query next to Query Section Analyer, Click on TriangleDisplay box finishes this section. 7. lin2db Database - lin2db_AuthDBSchema.sql analyze query next to Query Section Analyer, Click on TriangleDisplay box finishes this section. 8. lin2db Database - lin2db_update.sql analyze query next to Query Section Analyer, Click on TriangleDisplay box finishes this section. 9. petition Database - petition.sql analyze query next to Query Section Analyer, Click on TriangleDisplay box finishes this section. IMPORTANT!!! lin2db Database -> Table -> Server (open table) add id = 1 name = same as the worldname in l2server.ini ip = your WAN IP inner_ip = your LAN IP ageLimit = 0 pk_flag = 0 PK not allow; 1 allow kind=0 port=7777 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSN config Control Pannel - Administrative Tools- ODBC - FILE DSN Add - SQL server - lin2world - Server(s): (local) - Windows NT identification(W) - Change the Basic Database to following(D): lin2world Add - SQL server - lin2comm - Server(s): (local) - Windows NT identification(W) - Change the Basic Database to following(D): lin2comm Add - SQL server - lin2log - Server(s): (local) - Windows NT identification(W) - Change the Basic Database to following(D): lin2log Add - SQL server - lin2report - Server(s): (local) - Windows NT identification(W) - Change the Basic Database to following(D): lin2report Add - SQL server - lin2db - Server(s): (local) - Windows NT identification(W) - Change the Basic Database to following(D): lin2db Add - SQL server - petition - Server(s): (local) - Windows NT identification(W) - Change the Basic Database to following(D): petition --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 3 - RUN the server -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit boot.ini under C:\ [boot loader] timeout=0 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOW S [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Micro soft Windows XP Professional" /nodetect /3GB add /3GB at the end save it and reboot your computer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L2LogD.exe File DB = lin2log login name = your SQL account password = your SQL password CacheD.exe File DB = lin2world login name = your SQL account password = your SQL password L2AuthD.exe File DSN = lin2db login name = your SQL account password = your SQL password PetitionD.exe Server = (local) login name = your SQL account password = your SQL password Database = petition L2Server.exe L2NPC.exe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 4 - RUN the game -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit l2.ini file u need a tool called l2encdec.exe to crack the l2.ini, you can download it below decrypt the l2.ini then you got a file called l2.clear.ini edit l2.clear.ini change the IP as the Lineage2 server which you want to play ServerAddr= crypt the l2.clear.ini using 212 then you got a file called l2.crypt.ini rename the l2.crypt.ini as l2.ini and copy to your lineage2 system folder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 6 - GM config -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- open builder_account under lin2world databse account_name = your GM account (normal account) default_builder = 1,2,3,4...9 account_id = your GM account ID (can find out in user_account table under lin2db database) open user_dat under lin2world database find out the GM in the GM account builder = default_builder (1,2,3,4...9) Have Fun
uNiQue1337 Posted May 2, 2009 Posted May 2, 2009 You are in wrong section dude.. When i saw share C4 pack in L2J Section i did get happy lol :P
zycio89 Posted May 3, 2009 Posted May 3, 2009 yep, Chronicle 4 the best, have many ppls on the servers :)
Huntєr Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 * Chronicle 4 GeoData Part 1 * Chronicle 4 GeoData Part 2 * Chronicle 4 GeoData Part 3 * 100% AI and better scripts upgrade is avaible for 5 DC Pleaze reupload them if it is possible... my friend want these files... just for testing but... he needs them!
Arsh Posted August 17, 2010 Posted August 17, 2010 yeah c4 rules but im sure all of you want vesper better than apella or dynasty etc..its just graphics..btw if you can post a c4 l2j pack :) Personally im still for the appella, anyway for the pack, ask it in the l2j section.
minideed Posted August 22, 2010 Posted August 22, 2010 No, this is the original C4 PTS leaked files with badly modded scripts. No protections, phx works and full of injection exploits.
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