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Quite a nub to this kinda stuff, got banned on one server  (robbed couple of accs with the authd zploit) but they banned only my IP, not the account so I still can get to the stuff...however, have no idea how to do it to get my IP changed...everything I tried changed only my IP when I browsed the web, not when I tried to run walker/client. Could anybody help me out via pm's or by posting some guide? Please.


I can connect through walker but yea...not really much of a good gaming experience...also, cant seem to successfully run hlapex and proxied walker at the same time.


tried, but my damn IP is public and it just won't change no matter how hard I try... it is personal, I really need to get in the server and it's kinda pissing me off tbh.


Question: ingame walker ALSO has socks5 proxies options... but when I launch the client with igw, it still says im banned even if I put the same proxy I logged through using oog.


lol, solved, called my ISP to change the IP lol. Sometimes the easy way is the best.

hahaha n1
  • 1 year later...

lol, solved, called my ISP to change the IP lol. Sometimes the easy way is the best.

You are funny lol.Before some months i had the same problem now i got it xD

You are funny lol.Before some months i had the same problem now i got it xD


User:        XxRaZyxX

Posts:  100 (33,333 per day)


SpaMMing + Bumping is your ability ;O


User banned for 2 weeks!


When your ban is expired go read the rules and dont make the same mistakes..



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