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Deposit enchant scrolls in warehouse - l2walker


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Hi, I would like to ask you mates if it is any method to deposit enchant scrolls in warehouse using l2walker? I have already tried to write the script which main part of looks like:


DLGSEL(Store an item (Private warehouse))
SAVEITEM(Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)[iD=951],1;)


It doesn't work, I suppose it is caused by a fact that I have many ewc in my inventory: they have same item ID and walker 'doesn't know' which one should be placed in wh... eventually none of ewc is placed in wh :( well, I'm novice when it is about l2walker, so if you could help I will be grateful. Thanks in advance :)


PS. I use l2walker 1.79 and server is in Interlude (non-java).

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I have a dwarf bot which spoils enchants, but from time to time I need to go back to town and deposit them, take soulshots, potions, etc. I think that whole action can be done by appropriate script in l2walker. Soe & moving to wh keeper & withdrawing potions is easy, but the problem is in depositing these enchants scrolls... You know, one such a bot is not big case, 5 minutes is not so much. But if it is about 5 or more bots, this script could save me a lot of time... :)

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