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Contact list not showing in MSN Live


Can't see contact list?




1) Exit MSN Live completely (this means right clicking the Messenger tray icon and choosing Exit).


2) Open your registry editor (Start > Run > regedit.exe) and navigate to:for Messenger 8.0: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessengerfor Messenger 8.1: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\WindowsLive\CommunicationsClient


3) Once there, you must remove the following subkeys:for Messenger 8.0: Policiesfor Messenger 8.1: Shared4. Close your registry editor and restart Messenger.


Windows Media Player and Messenger - Now Playing Plugin


Where do I find the plug-in for Windows Media Player that lets me show contacts what music I'm listening to on Windows Live Messenger?


Open Windows Media Player. In Tools menu you'll see Plug-ins. Check Windows Live messenger Music Plug-in.

And in Live Messenger, under your status you have and a down arrow. Click the arrow and select Turn On "What I'm listening too"


Solution 2:


1) Enable the Now Playing option in MSN,

2) Go to your MSN Messenger (Windows Live Messenger) folder in Program Files,

3) Find the "msgrapp.dll" file,

4) Copy it to your Windows Media Player 11 folder (in Program Files too),

5) Restart your play


For Windows Media Player 11, do the following:


1) Open Windows Media Player 11


2) Under the "Now Playing" tab, click "more Options"


3) In the "Plug-ins" tab there will be a category list box. In that list box click Background. To the right of it should be the "windows Live Messenger Music Plug-in" Make sure that is checked.



MSN Messenger Errors 80040111 and 80040154


Fix 80040111 and 80040154 Error.


Cause: MSXML library may be corrupted and may have to be reinstalled


Troubleshooting steps:


Step 1. Re-register msxml3.dll


- Click on the Start menu, select Run and type the following:

Regsvr32 %windir%\system32\msxml3.dll


Hopefully, you will see a window popup that says: DllRegisterServer succeeded in C:\Windows\System32\msxml3.dll is succeeded.


Step 2. Restart your computer and sign into Messenger again



MSN contact list is full


When trying to add a new contact to your list MSN Messenger tells you that your contact list is full.


MSN Messenger currently has a limit of 150 contacts. If you have 150 contacts in your list there is simply no way to add more new contacts. This amount might be increased in the future. In march it was increased from 100 to 150.

If you have an amount of contacts that is below the maximum amount and yet, you are not able to add a new one, this is most likely a server side issue that may show up after adding and deleting contacts for some time. Usually, this problem fixes itself after some time.

When you really need over 150 contacts or are not able to add new contacts the only thing you can do for now is to create one or more extra MSN Messenger accounts. Using a so called "polygamy patch" or a client like Trillian you can be signed in with more then one account at the same time.



MSN remove previous login names


Delete previous login names:


   * Press start.

   * Then Control Panel.

   * Then User Accounts.

   * Pick your Account Example Guest or the account you log with.

   * Then click on Manage my network passwords under the Related Task Block.

   * Then hieghlight the email you want to remove.

   * Then press Remove.

   * Then press Ok.

   * Then Close.



Messenger 8.1 Beta sign-in error 8004800E


MSN Messenger Sign-in error 8004800E solution:


   * Exit Messenger (right click on the icon in the system tray and select Exit)

   * Start Messenger again

   * Sign-in and it should be successful



"Sign me in automatically" checkbox is missing in MSN Messenger


The "Sign me in automatically" checkbox is missing and you have to retype your username and password each time to get online in MSN Messenger. This is probably caused by a security setting which does not permit storing passwords on your computer. If you have sufficient rights (you are an administrator) on your computer you can reset this setting by running this file.





"Here was a problem connecting you to MSN Messenger"; Error 81000370


This error is usually caused by the security parts in MSN Messenger not working correctly




First, try the following: click start, then on run. Type: regsvr32 softpub.dll and press enter.

If MSN Messenger does not work yet after this, you can try closing Messenger then go to www.passport.net with Internet Explorer (also if you normally use another FireFox) then click on the sign in button, you may get a certificate dialog. Accept the certificate, now if you start MSN Messenger it should work.


If you did not get the certificate dialog and MSN Messenger still does not work, open the advanced settings dialog in Internet Explorer by clicking on the Tools - Internet options menu and then go to the advanced tab. Go down to the security section and make sure use SSL 2.0 and use SSL 3.0 are both checked.



Error 800401f3 the service is temporarily unavailable


If you are running Windows XP try the following steps;




Go to a DOS prompt and type in the following OR go to Start -> Run and then copy and paste each line below hitting after each one.


regsvr32 Dssenh.dll /s

regsvr32 Gpkcsp.dll /s

regsvr32 Slbcsp.dll /s

regsvr32 Sccbase.dll /s

regsvr32 Softpub.dll /s

regsvr32 Wintrust.dll /s

regsvr32 Initpki.dll /s

regsvr32 Rsaenh.dll /s

regsvr32 Mssip32.dll /s

regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll /s

regsvr32 Msxml3.dll /s



Fix Sign-in Error 81000314




Open with Notepad: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts


Add these 2 lines to the bottom: messenger.hotmail.com dp.msnmessenger.akadns.net





Save it and restart WLM



The following message could not be delivered to all recipients


This has been notified - do not panic, it is not just you. This problem has been happening for a few days to many people. Msn is aware (see their homepage) and are fixing the problem. Should be fixed within the week.





Use webmessenger until we figure out how to solve it.


http://webmessenger.msn.com or http://iloveim.com


Check also MSN Service status: http://status.messenger.msn.com/Status.aspx




Update: It seems the service is returning to normal. I would suggest signing out and back in again if you are still receiving the error. Apparently engineers investigated the problem and found a fix.




Msn Messenger Plus It's a Virus



Msn-9.0plus.exe -- It's A Virus!


Do not click on that link!


There's been a lot of virii floating around the MSN Messenger Network lately. Some of them include links that pop up saying things like;


Hej, did you download the new MSN yet?

lol check out MSN Plus...it ownz!

Automessage : Download MSN Plus:

lol, this is awsome...

Want more msn emotions?

MSN 8.0 Beta released....get it here

Hej, wanna update your Messenger

dude, this is awesome... a must see!

lol I just updated my Messenger and I must say IT ROCKS!

Check this out mate, it roxxx


Never click on these links when someone sends you one. The typical result is a virus infection. In the case of the links above the result is a W32/Antix-A infection



Slow Typing on Sign-in Screen?


Windows XP users


Go to command prompt and type in the following OR go to Start -> Run and then copy and paste each line below hitting after each one.


regsvr32 Dssenh.dll /s

regsvr32 Gpkcsp.dll /s

regsvr32 Slbcsp.dll /s

regsvr32 Sccbase.dll /s

regsvr32 Softpub.dll /s

regsvr32 Wintrust.dll /s

regsvr32 Initpki.dll /s

regsvr32 Rsaenh.dll /s

regsvr32 Mssip32.dll /s

regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll /s

regsvr32 Msxml3.dll /s


What these statements do is re-register the cryptographic files for Windows XP. Usually blown encryption is an effect caused by a virus or SpyWare infection.



Make MSN Messenger work with your Firewall


Windows Firewall:


   * Click Start, click Run, type FIREWALL.CPL , and then press ENTER

   * On the General tab, if the On check box is selected, the Windows Firewall is enabled. If this option is not selected, then ignore the rest of the steps below.

   * Click the Exceptions tab.

   * Under Programs and Services, select MSN Messenger if it appears in the list, and then click Delete.

   * Click Add Program, click Browse, and then locate the C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger folder.

   * Double-click the Msnmsgr file. Note: The computer settings determine whether the file name is followed by the extension ".exe."

   * Make sure that the Msnmsgr file is added to the Programs and Services list and that MSN Messenger is selected

   * Click OK to save the changes



Fix Login 80072EE6 Error


Quit MSN Messenger


Go to Start


Click Run


Enter the following in the box regsvr32 MSXML3.dll






Re-Start MSN Messenger



Fix MSN messenger login error 800B0001 or 81000306


Solutions to fix it; start/run type:




regsvr32 Softpub.dll


regsvr32 Mssip32.dll


regsvr32 Initpki.dll (this one took about 30 sec to be complete.)





After you done this, you should be able to sign in the MSN Messenger!



Windows Live Messenger error code 80072efd

Problem description:


When you are trying to sign in Windows Live Messenger you are getting an Error Code 80072efd ;"Sorry, we were unable to sign you in to the .NET Messenger Service at this time. Please try again later. 80072efd"




Check the .NET Messenger Service Status.




Remove any Internet Explorer proxy server settings


  1. In Internet Explorer, click Tools and then click Internet Options.

  2. In the Internet Options dialog box, go to the Connections tab.

  3. Click LAN Settings…

  4. Untick the Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections) checkbox.

  5. Click OK and OK again Internet Options



Click on the Start menu, select Run and type the following:


regsvr32 Dssenh.dll Gpkcsp.dll Slbcsp.dll Sccbase.dll





How to fix sign-in error 80048883 Msn messenger 7.5


  1. Download the following file: http://clientconfig.passport.net/ppcrlconfig.bin - If you can't access the file, try downloading it from http://www.messengertools.net/Files/ppcrlconfig.dll

  2. Change the file extension to .DLL (if not download from our site)

  3. Now place the file into C:\Documents and Settings\[Windows Username]\Application Data\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\ and overwite the existing file.

  4. Reboot your computer.

  5. Attempt to sign-in again using MSN Messenger.


How to Fix sign-in error 80004005 for Windows Live Messenger


If you are encountering this error when signing in, please install the latest version of Windows Live Messenger from http://get.live.com/messenger/overview

After installation, verify that you have the version 8.0.0812. If you are still experiencing the issue, pelase contact Messenger Support at http://support.live.com and choose Windows Live Messenger


Updated (16.11.2006):


"Signing in to .NET Messenger Service failed because the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later 0x80004005"



The Microsoft .NET Passport account is blocked by the .NET Messenger Service because the computer may be running a third-party (non-Microsoft) program that is not licensed by Microsoft. This is a violation of the MSN Messenger Terms of Use. This error was originally created by MSN Messenger maintanence procedures. They were probably interested in stopping people from using third party add-on's thay may have a detrimental affect on their service.


To fix the issue you have to request that your email address be unblocked from MSN Messenger. This is a one time deal and you can only be un-blocked from the messenger service once so make sure that you have removed any offending software add-on's before asking


You can either contact msn if you have a paying msn account 1-800-635-7019 or go to http://messenger.msn.com/Help/ContactUs.aspx for non paying customers and request that the account be unblocked.



Solving error 80048820 - unable to sign in


Error code 80048820 is a common one with MSN Messenger 7.5 and Windows Live Messenger.


When you start MSN Messenger, you are unable to sign in.


“Sorry, we were unable to sign you in to the MSN Messenger at this time. Please try again later.”



Fix 80048820 MSN (Windows Live Messenger) Error.


-The system clock may be set incorrectly.

-The Dynamic Link Library (DLL) softpub.dll may not be registered on the system. -Internet Explorer may be using an invalid proxy server.

-Double click on the clock in the taskbar and make sure the system clock is set correctly.

-Register softpub.dll using the regsvr32.exe tool. Click Start, and then click Run




In the Open box, type regsvr32 softpub.dll and then click OK.






# Restart MSN Messenger (WLM).


Remove any Internet Explorer proxy server settings.


1. In Internet Explorer, click Tools and then click Internet Options.

2. In the Internet Options dialog box, go to the Connections tab.

3. Click LAN Settings.

4. Untick the Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections) checkbox.

5. Click OK and OK again Internet Options.



MSN Messenger Error Code - 80048820


When you try and launch MSN Messenger and try to logon, you get an error message 80048820. A wild guess, your system time / date needs adjusting.

The Cause of Code 80048820


There are a variety of causes of this error:

1) Incorrect Proxy Setting for Internet Explorer.

2) softpub.dll may have become unregistered.

3) Your system clock may be showing an incorrect time (or date!).

4) Firewall problems.


The Solutions to MSN Error Code 80048820

Internet Explorer - Try removing Internet Explorer proxy server settings and go with the 'Automatically detect settings'.


1) Launch Internet Explorer, click "Tools" and then click Internet Options. From the Internet Options dialog box, go to the Connections tab. Click LAN Setting. Un check the Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections) checkbox. Finally positively tick: 'Automatically detect settings'.


2) Register softpub.dll.

Click Start (Button), and then click Run, type regsvr32 softpub.dll. Restart MSN Messenger.


3) If necessary, logon as a local administrator, set the computer's clock to the correct date and time. (Check on the internet if possible.)


4) Turn off the firewall temporarily. Check firewall settings such as Norton: "Block access to secure sites". If this cures the problem, make sure that Microsoft's MSN Messenger is allowed full access through your firewall.



Adding contacts problem


Can't see a newly added contact?




1.) Exit Messenger completely (this means right clicking the Messenger tray icon and choosing Exit).


2.) Open your registry editor (Start > Run > regedit.exe) and navigate to:for Messenger 8.0: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessengerfor Messenger 8.1: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\WindowsLive\CommunicationsClient


3.) Once there, you must remove the following subkeys:for Messenger 8.0: Policiesfor Messenger 8.1: Shared4. Close your registry editor and restart Messenger.


If you think you cannot make it, just run:





Windows live messenger setup error code 1603


1) Click Start > Run


2) Type msiexec /unreg and press enter and wait until it appears to have finished.


3) Go back to Start > Run


4) Type msiexec /regserver and press enter.


5) Try to install MSN Messenger again. Good luck!


If this doesn't work, try:


C:\documents and settings\all users\application data\microsoft\


Then select the folder "IdentityCRL" remove the folder. Since the error is occuring due to "ppcrlconfig.dll" directory correction. Then run the setup and this time it will be able to install.



I cannot sign into MSN messenger


WLM isn't getting connected?



There are few tips how to fix the problem:


ExplanationIssues which all boiled down to the same cause:- Attempting to login but all you get is eternally spinning buddies- Login works but you can't add contacts- Login works but you don't get any contacts- Error codes when signing in (for example 81000314)Cause of problems:

An outage in one of the data centers which prevented some people from updating or accessing their contacts.This has been fixed, but contacts added during this outage will unfortunatly be lost and need to be added again.


Some back end systems had trouble with the handshaking (technicial term to indicate the communication protocol between systems): Messenger was trying to send a request for the contact list and the response it was getting was't what was expected due to modifications on other back end systems.


To fix this you need to delete the cache of this handshake policy. Once this cache is deleted a new and fixed handshake can take place and the errors will be gone.FixDelete you handshaking policy cache:


Exit Messenger completely (this means right clicking the Messenger tray icon and choosing Exit).


Open your registry editor (Start > Run > regedit.exe) and navigate to: for Messenger 8.0: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger for Messenger 8.1: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\WindowsLive\CommunicationsClient


Once there, you must remove the following subkeys: for Messenger 8.0: Policies for Messenger 8.1: Shared

Close your registry editor and restart Messenger.Make sure you don't delete or modify anything else. Wrong alterations can cause serious problems for Windows.


For those who are not comfortable editing the registry, I've made a registry file which will do these alterations for you. Simply download the file, save it and run it:




Unable to Sign in to MSN Messenger, Error Code 80048869


Please download, install and then run the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility and click on the line(s) that show MSN Messenger(s) and then select the Remove button as pictured below.




Before trying to re-install MSN Messenger open up IE and then go to Tools -> Internet Options -> General -> Delete Files -> select Delete All offline Content and then select OK and then OK.


Then, go to explorer and delete the MSN Messenger folder typically located in C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger. Re-boot your computer and then go to the MSN Messenger Download Site and re-download the latest Messenger. Do not choose to open it - instead download the entire program to your desktop as pictured below;




You should now have a completely removed MSN Messenger program, a cleared out Internet cache and a new download of the MSN Messenger program on your desktop. It's important to have followed the steps above in the proper order as outlined.


Now install the new Messenger by clicking on the icon and following the on-screen prompts and then re-start and re-try to see if the issue is gone.


If the issue persists then please visit Windows Update and ensure that all updates are installed for your operating system. If you find some that were not installed please install them and then re-start your computer and re-check for MSN Messenger functionality.


If this doesn't work, check:




Contacts missing from my contacts list?


Delete your Contacts cache folder

If your contact list is empty or incomplete after you upgrade to Windows Live Messenger, the cached contact list may not have updated correctly. Before you can delete your Contacts cache folder, make sure you can view your complete folder list in Windows Explorer.

View your complete folder list


1. On the taskbar, right-click Start, and then select Explore.

2. Click on Tools, and then select Folder Options.

3. In the Folder Options window, click the View tab.

4. In the Advanced Settings list, select Show hidden files and folders, make sure Hide extensions for known file types is not selected, and then click OK.

5. In the Windows Explorer window, click View, select Explorer Bar, and then verify that Folders is checked.


Delete your Contacts cache folder

After changing your Windows Explorer settings:


1. On the taskbar, right-click Start, and then select Explore.

2. In the folder list on the left-hand pane, navigate to the folder C:\Documents and Settings\Your Windows logon name\Contacts\Your Messenger email address.

3. Delete all of the files within the folder Your Messenger email address.

4. In the folder list on the left-hand pane, navigate to the folder C:\Documents and Settings\Your Windows logon name\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts\Your Messenger email address.

5. In the Your Messenger email address folder, delete the real and shadow folders.

6. Close Windows Explorer and try to sign in to Messenger again.



Poor audio quality in Windows Live Call


If you experience poor audio quality, distortion, or echoing in Windows Live Call, try the following:

Run Audio and Video setup again


1. On the Tools menu, click Audio and Video setup.

2. Follow the instructions in the wizard.

3. When you reach the end of the wizard, click Finish.


Adjust your microphone


1. On the Tools menu, click Audio and Video setup.

2. Follow the instructions in the wizard. Use the slider to adjust the volume of your microphone.

3. When you reach the end of the wizard, click Finish.


If your broadband connection runs at 256 kilobits per second (Kbps) or less


1. On the Tools menu, click Options.

2. Select the Optimize my experience for a low-bandwidth broadband connection check box, and then click OK.




* If you are using USB 1.1, you may experience poor quality when you use both audio and video at the same time. You will receive the best quality audio and video when you connect your USB device directly to your computer.

* We recommend that you make computer-to-phone calls only over a broadband connection.

* If you are downloading large files or running other programs during your call, the quality of the call may deteriorate. Close other programs and file downloads to conserve bandwidth.

* Windows Live Call network performance can also affect the quality of your call. To check the status of the network, go to the Windows Live Call Network Status website.



Error 81000301 You cannot sign in to Windows Live Messenger


You may not be able to sign in because of problems with your proxy settings or the DNS (Domain name server) cache. Confirm that you're connected to the Internet by visiting another website. If you are unable to connect to the Internet, you'll need to verify your Internet Explorer proxy configuration settings. Contact your ISP (Internet service provider. A company that provides access to the Internet) or network administrator (The person who manages a network of computers, and has the ability to change network settings and manage user accounts) to determine the correct settings. Once you're able to connect to the Internet, you can troubleshoot the DNS cache:


1. Make sure you can connect to Windows Live Messenger

1. Go to the MSN Web Messenger website and sign in. If you can sign in to MSN Web Messenger, but Windows Live Messenger still can't access the Internet, Windows Live Messenger may be blocked by a firewall.

2. Make sure your antivirus or antispyware programs don't conflict with Messenger.

2. If your computer is running Windows XP, clear the DNS resolver cache

* On the taskbar, click Start, and then click Run.

* Type cmd, and then click OK.

* At the command prompt, type ipconfig/flushdns, and then press ENTER.

3. If you're still unable to sign in to Messenger

1. If you use a dial-up connection and the connection is timing out, try to sign in again later.

2. If your computer is part of a corporate network, contact your network administrator to make sure that the network allows access to the Messenger service.



Repair Windows Live Messenger


1. In the notification area on the taskbar (near the clock), click the Messenger icon, and then click Exit.

2. On the taskbar, click Start, and then click Control Panel.

3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.

4. Under Currently installed programs, click Windows Live Messenger, and then click Change.

5. Click Repair.



Contacts can't See your Music



To share song information with your contacts, you need to set up Windows Live Messenger and Windows Media Player to work together.


Set up Messenger to work with Windows Media Player


1. On the Tools menu, click Options.

2. In the left pane, click Personal.

3. Under My Display Name, select the Show song information from Windows Media Player as a personal message check box.

4. Click OK.


Set up Windows Media Player to work with Messenger


1. Start Windows Media Player.

2. On the Tools menu, click Options.

3. Click Plug-ins.

4. In the left pane, click Background.

5. In the right pane, select Windows Live Messenger Music Plug-in.

6. Click OK.




* This feature is compatible only with Microsoft Windows 2000 or later.

* This feature is compatible only with Windows Media Player 9 or later.



Live Messenger is Not Responding


MSN Messenger Not Responding when you Sign in?



1) Uninstall MSN Messenger Live in the Add/Remove Programs Panel in Control Panel.

2) Delete the MSN Messenger Live folder in Documents & Settings, and App Data.

3) Reinstall MSNM, and disable all options.

4) Disconnect from the internet, via Run/cmd (the command prompt). By going C:, ipconfig all, ipconfig release.

5) Start up MSN , and wait for a troubleshoot screen, press 'repair' and let it do what it does.

6) Reconnect to the network.

7) Sign in again and configure options (except sign in automatically, and sign in when connection to inernet establsihed).


MSN Content Plus




Remove MSN Content Plus Register Alert.


Your current time trial is expired. Please register or uninstall all products of MSN Content Plus.


To remove this message, you have to delete the following files;


msnlogs.exe and msnlogm.exe from the Windows folder.


The best way to do this is in safe mode and then use the MS-DOS prompt to delete them.


How to Start Up in Safe Mode


Restart your computer (click the Start button on taskbar, choose Shut Down, then select Restart).


When the screen appears black and the computer begins to start up, press the F8 key repeatedly (about once a second). A black screen with white text will appear and with start up options. Note: If the Microsoft Windows image with the Windows symbol appears, then you have passed the point to start up in safe mode. Repeat the steps to restart your computer and try again.


The default option is Start Windows Normally. To start up in safe mode, use the arrow keys on the keyboard and highlight Safe Mode, then press Enter. (Do not choose Safe Mode with Networking if you believe you have spyware or a virus.)


Depending on the version of Windows you are running, the system may ask you to select an operating system. Chose the operating system you wish to troubleshoot (most will have just one option, Windows XP Professional, for example). The system will continue the start up process.


If your computer is password protected, you will be required to log in. You must log in with an account that has administrator access.


A message box will appear and ask if you would like to proceed working in safe mode. Click Yes to continue.


To verify that you are in safe mode, look at the corners of the main desktop screen. The words Safe Mode should be in the corners of the desktop.



MSN Keeps Signing out


MSN keeps signing out?


Shut down Windows Live Messenger.


Click Start

Click Run

Enter: %appdata%\microsoft

Click OK.


Then right click the MSN Messenger folders, choose Delete, and then confirm the operation.



Msn Freezer


Do not download any type of MSN Freezer! In most cases it's a virus.





Msn Freezer Description:


"MSN Passport Account Freezer and (De)Freezer [basically just stops freezing]. It gives you the ability to prevent a person from signing into MSN Messenger, or his/her hotmail inbox. It includes support for the latest MSN Messenger Protocol."


Do you actually believe in these things?



Windows Live Messenger Error 80048821



Windows Live Messenger could not sign you in because the sign-in name you entered does not exist or your password is incorrect. Error code: 80048823



Before you start. Did you enter correct Username and Password?


1. The date on your computer needs to be set properly. Double click the clock verify that the time and date are set.


2. If your password information is not saved, verify that you are typing it in with the correct case (uppercase or lowercase).


3. Change your password at http://passport.com to something smaller (under 10-12 characters), then try signing in again.


4. If you use a firewall (like ZoneAlarm, Norton Internet Security etc.), it's possible that Messenger doesn't have the correct rights to access the Internet, especially since you upgraded. You may need to re/add Messenger to the allowed list of programs in your firewall if this is the case.


5. If you disabled your firewall in the past, it still may be blocking Messenger. Try restarting it and see if that helps the situation. You also might try uninstalling an installed firewall, to verify that it isn't causing a problem (even if it is disabled).


6. Clear your IE cache and cookies. Open Internet Explorer, click the Tools menu, then Internet Options, then click the Delete Files button, and when that's complete click the Delete Cookies button.


7. Check your IE Security settings. Open Internet Explorer, click the Tools menu, then Internet Options, then Advanced tab, scroll to the Security section, and verify that "Check for server certificate revocation" is unchecked. Also verify that 'Use SSL 2.0' and Use SSL 3.0' is checked, then click OK.


8. Click Start, then Run, and enter the following:

regsvr32 softpub.dll

then click OK

and do the same for the following:

regsvr32 wintrust.dll

regsvr32 initpki.dll


9. If using MSN Messenger 7, click the Tools menu, then Options, then Connection category, click the Advanced Settings button, uncheck all the options, click OK twice and then try again.


Update(4.2.2008): check helper's solutions posted below



Windows Live Messenger Installation Error 1601, Error 1603 and Error 1635



After you upgrade to Windows Installer version 2.0, the Windows Installer Service may not start, and you may receive the following error message:

The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.



This behavior can occur when either of the following conditions exist:

• In the DCOM permissions, the default authentication level is set to None, and the default Impersonation level is set to Anonymous.

• The system account does not have Full permissions on a folder or registry key that the Windows Installer is trying to access. This is NTFS-specific.




Method 1: Unregister and re-register the Windows Installer

1. Click Start, click Run, type MSIEXEC /UNREGISTER, and then click OK. Even if you do this correctly, it may look like nothing occurs.

2. Click Start, click Run, type MSIEXEC /REGSERVER, and then click OK. Even if you do this correctly, it may look like nothing occurs, or you may briefly see an hourglass. After you run this command, the operation is complete.

3. Try your Windows Installer-based application again.

Back to the top Back to the top

Method 2: Verify the DCOM permissions

This method involves changing the DCOM default impersonation level to Identify, removing the Msisip.dll file, and then reinstalling SP 3 for Windows 2000.


To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, click Run, type dcomcnfg, and then click OK.

2. On the Default Properties tab:

a. In the Default Authentication Level list, click Connect.

b. In the Default Impersonation Level list, click Identify, and then click OK.

3. Click Start, click Run, type explorer /select, %windir%\system32\msisip.dll, and then click OK.

4. Rename the Msisip.dll file as Msisip.old.

5. Reinstall Windows 2000 Service Pack 3.

Back to the top Back to the top

Method 3: Give Full Control permission to the SYSTEM account

1. Start Windows Explorer, right-click the computer's root hard drive, and then click Properties.

2. Click the Security tab, and then click Add.

3. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, click the SYSTEM account, click Add, and then click OK.

4. Under Allow, click to select the Full Control check box, and then click OK.

5. Click the TEMP folder and then verify that the SYSTEM account has full control.

Back to the top Back to the top

Method 4: Verify the registry permissions

1. Click Start, click Run, then type Regedt32.

2. For each of the registry hives, follow these steps:

a. Select the hive.

b. For Windows XP, on the Edit menu, click Permissions.


For Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4, on the Security menu, click Permissions.

3. Verify that the SYSTEM account has been added and that it has Full control. If it does not, add the SYSTEM account with Full control.

Back to the top Back to the top

Method 5: Fix the broken security key for the MsiServer service

1. Start the computer by using Windows 2000.

2. Click Start, click Run, type regedit.exe, and then rename the following key to Old_Security:


3. Restart the computer (you must do this).

4. Run Instmsiw.exe for installer 2.0 again; this corrects the broken security key for the MSI service.



MSN Messenger Sign Up Error 80072eeb


You are unable to sign in Windows Live Messenger.


"Sorry, we were unable to sign you in to the MSN Messenger at this time. Please try again later"



1. Exit Msn Messenger

2. Go to Start - Run

3. Enter the following in the box regsvr32 MSXML3.dll

4. Re-Start MSN Messenger



Msn Messenger Error 80048820


You are unable to sign in.


"Sorry, we were unable to sign you in to the MSN Messenger at this time. Please try again later"




If you are using a ‘NETGEAR Wirelss Router’ you will need to enter tthe ‘Netgear’ router set-up settings page, via internet Explorer.


1.Enter IP address on the address bar.

2.Log on via your user name and password of your ISP.

3. Enter Admin, password

4.GOTO advance menu (left hand side of screen)

5.GOTO WAN set-up

6.GOTO MTU size, and change to 1400

7.Apply, OK.


Previous Related Fixes:


    * Solving error 80048820 - unable to sign in

    * MSN Messenger Error Code - 80048820




Ratemynuts Virus - Msn Worm


Do not click on links below.


www11.ratemynuts.com/myemail or http://www.latoni.com/images/saddam_hanging_naked.php


Once open, the virus automatically downloads, infecting your computer. The worm file stores itself in the computer's memory and sends new infected

messages every few minutes to all contacts in your Windows Messenger's Contact List.


Is your PC infected?


1)Download CCleaner to clean out all the temporary and unused files. If this is not working for you check method 2.


2)Download impFix - this should fix your problem.



Fix 8004888D Error



If you are running Windows XP try the following steps;




Go to a DOS prompt and type in the following OR go to Start -> Run and then copy and paste each line below hitting after each one.


regsvr32 Msxml3.dll /s


regsvr32 Dssenh.dll /s

regsvr32 Gpkcsp.dll /s

regsvr32 Slbcsp.dll /s

regsvr32 Sccbase.dll /s

regsvr32 Softpub.dll /s

regsvr32 Wintrust.dll /s

regsvr32 Initpki.dll /s

regsvr32 Rsaenh.dll /s

regsvr32 Mssip32.dll /s

regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll /s


Do you have any other WLM or MSN Messenger Problem?




Do you have any other problem (Windows Live Messenger related!) that will make it difficult to care for yourself in a disaster without assistance? If so, let us know. We will try to find solution for you.




a.) Leave a comment - including any extra information(Error details, Operating System, Messenger version,..).


b.) Send us an e~mail to helpme 'AT' msn-errors.com - including any extra information(Error details, Operating System, Messenger version,..).



Fix 80070002 Error


When you are try to sign in WLM or MSN Messenger you get 80070002 Error.


"Service is Temporarily Unavailable"


How to fix WLM 80070002 Error?


- Search for ppcrlconfig.dll (probably located in X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\ppcrlconfig.dll) and delete it.

- Remove any WLM or MSN Messenger installed (including MSG Plus).

- Restart Windows Live Messenger or MSN Messenger.



Fix 8100030e and 800701f6 Errors


When you start MSN Messenger or WLM (Windows Live Messenger), you are unable to sign in the following message is displayed:


"Signing in to Windows Live Messenger failed because the service is temporary unavailable." Error Code: 800701f6 or 8100030e.



Tips to solve this error:


1) Register softpub.dll.


Click Start Button, then click Run, type regsvr32 softpub.dll. Restart MSN Messenger or Windows Live Messenger.





2) You may need to MSN Messenger (Windows Live Messenger) to the allowed list of programs in your firewall.




3) Double click on the clock in the Windows taskbar and make sure the system clock is set correctly.



Fix 8100030d Messenger Error


When you are trying to sign in Windows Live Messenger you are getting an Error Code 8100030d.






Signing in to Windows Live Messenger failed because the service is temporary unavailable. Error Code 8100030d,





The system clock or date may be set incorrectly.

The Dynamic Link Library (DLL) softpub.dll, may not be registered on the system.

Internet Explorer may be using an invalid proxy server.

Zone Alarm is running.




- Double click on the clock in the taskbar and make sure the system clock is set correctly.

- Disable Zone Alarm

- Register softpub.dll using the regsvr32.exe tool.Click Start, and then click Run.

- In the Open box, type regsvr32 softpub.dll and then click OK.

- Do the same for the following regsvr32 wintrust.dll, regsvr32 initpki.dll, regsvr32 MSXML3.dll.

- Restart Windows Live Messenger.



You can't recieve any message on MSN or WLM


You cannot recieve any message on MSN Messenger or WLM but are able to send messages to other contacts.


This is the error when people are trying to contact you:


"The following message could not be delivered to all recipients"


We recommend you to use webmessenger until we figure out how to solve it.





Can't Install Windows Live Messenger


Are you having problems with installing Windows Live Messenger (WLM) or MSN Messenger on your PC or Notebook?


Some tips and possible solutions to solve WLM installation:


- Download the latest WLM version availible on Get.Live.com

- Update Windows XP or Vista through Windows Update

- Go to "C:\Program Files\Windows Live" and remove "Messenger" folder (note: replace "C" with your root drive letter)

- Go to "C:ProgramData" (note: replace "C" with your root drive letter) and delete both Windows Live Installer and WLInstaller if you have any

- Restart PC

- Run the installer



Can't share, send or receive Files on MSN Messenger


Are you having problems with receiving or sending files via MSN or Windows Live Messenger?


When you send, you get File Transfer Warning:

You have chosen to transfer a file which may be unsafe.




When you try to share file, you get an error message:

This file was blocked because this file type can't be shared.


Messenger does not allow you to send high virus risk files with an exe;.bat;.com;.cmd;.reg;.vbs;.inf;.msi;.htm;.htm extension. If you want to send any of these file types use WinRar before sending.


There are specific ports needed for file transfer, you must open ports 6891 through 6900.


Use extension fix I made. Download link - http://addmymsn.com/extensionfix.reg ("save as").



Polygamy, Multi MSN, Simultaneously, Run 2 or more Messengers


Windows Live Messenger (MSN) allow only one user to launch WLM (MSN Messenger) service by default.


However, with some simple tweaks and tips you can get WLM (MSN) running simultaneously.




1. Solution: A Patch Polygamy


- Download A Patch for your current WLM version here

- Select Polygamy (Multi-MSN) and click apply




2. Solution: Mess Patch Polygamy


- Download Mess Patch for your current Messenger version here

- Select "Enable Polygamy" under General Options and click next


3. Solution: Messenger Plus! Live Multiple Account Option


- Download MSG Plus here

- Go to Messenger Plus preferences

- Click the Messenger tab above

- Select "Allow me to connect to several accounts simultaneously"

- Click OK




Msn Errors: Help Appreciated!




We decided to make a step forward!


We got many requests lately. It's hard to find solutions for all of these annoying MSN/WLM errors in a very short time.


We are seeking for new members who would like to help other people to solve Messenger related problems.


Send us an e~mail to: admin ^AT^ msn-errors.com


Any kind of help appreciated, but after all, it's good for community to share the ideas!



81000395 Error - Service Temporarily Unavailable


You see this error, when trying to sign-in, using Windows Live Messenger 9, or 9 Beta. We noticed it may also happen when you are already logged in.




Follow these simple steps:


- exit WLM 9, or previous version of MSN

- remove WLM leaked Beta version

- download latest full version from official site

- install WLM


This problem is Beta related, it's nothing wrong with your settings and PC at all.



Quick Steps to change MSN Password - Net Passport


Ever wanted to change your current MSN password?. You can do this by changing your Microsoft Passport password.


Follow these simple steps:


- Click here to Visit Microsoft Passport

- Login with your Username and current Password

- Click on change, Bellow Password reset information (see picture #1)

- fill required forms correctly (old, and new password) (see picture #2)


Picture #1




Picture #2




Credits: msn-errors


i agree :)


omg if this is not c/p u are really pro :D


one of the best share here make it sticky :P


You can see the credits at the end of the post.

  • 3 months later...

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