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otan exw target to wh epilegw na afisw kati na parw kati i tpt? gt an dn epileskw tpt k kanw social vixtory to xtipaei to weap alla merikes fores spaei! vasika ti merilkes sxedon sinexia... ti na kanw?

  • 4 weeks later...

-1.. read our rules...

dn epitrepete na kanete post grafontas mia leksi....


gia tn akriveia mia leksi kai ena 8aumastiko..Twra sto 8ema mas...Egw dn to exw dokimasei an kai xerw na douleuw l2 packet hack l2phx ktlp alla pisteuw oti oso pernaei o kairos oi admins 8a ma8enoun pws na mn douleuoun ta exploits ston server tous..To sigekrimeno dn to exw dokimasei :P

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