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I need Some help with my website


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Hello maxcheaters, i recentlly bought my own site and now i am facing some problems. I downloaded the site from here

:: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=53944.0

I puted the in the main directory i enabled the fond page extensions and now i wanna edit the info.

For example i wanna edit the Rules and add Connect. Please help me.

Thnx in advance ; )


P.S sorry but i am completelly newbie that''s my first website.

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Dunno exactly what this site contains but I guess, you should open the .html files or the .php with Notepad and edit the content from the notepad. ;)


Post a screenshot of site files in case the above statement doesn't make sense.


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simply open the .html files or .php files as Blane said and edit them , how do you expect editing it since you dont know nothing ? first open a local server , add the files , play with it , try to solve problems and then buy a host and add it up there

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