mweinz Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 You Must Download This [ NET FrameWork 3.5 ] [ Server ] [ SQLyog ] Lets go.. # 1.Install the SQLyog but not open it. decompress and let the server within a time tools folder and open the folder and take the Map Extractor ad.exe file and bring it to the root folder of wow example: C: \ wow \ ad.exe and you run it and create two folders, the maps and dbc ag and lead to the folder arcemu server and hit the middle there # 2.go to the folder on the server arcemu \ configs so this is what red is amended then opens the file arcemu-logon.conf, find and modify the following: <RemotePassword LOGONSERVER = "ascent" AllowedIPs = "dominiooip/24" AllowedModIPs = "dominiooip/24"> Now open the file arcemu-realms.conf, find and modify the following: <LOGONSERVER Address = "dominiooip" Port = "8093" Name = "name of the kingdom" RealmCount = "1"> <Realm1 Name = "named realm" Address = "dominiooip: 8129" Icon = "Normal" Color = "1" Population = "1.0" TimeZone = "1"> Open the file arcemur-world.conf, find and modify the following: <Server PlayerLimit = "1000" Motd = "Welcome Message" SendStatsOnJoin = "1" EnableBreathing = "1" LevelCap = "maximum" GenLevelCap = "maximum" SeperateChatChannels = "0" CompressionThreshold = "1000" QueueUpdateInterval = "5000" KickAFKPlayers = "0" ConnectionTimeout = "180" RealmType = "1" AdjustPriority = "0" RequireAllSignatures = "0" ShowGMInWhoList = "1" MapUnloadTime = "0" LimitedNames = "1" UseAccountData = "0" AllowPlayerCommands = "0" EnableLFGJoin = "0"> then open the folder on the server and open the folder and open the file MySQL MySQL.bat Create accounts: Sqlyog open and give it a new enter Server. mysql Host address - localhost Username - root Password - lichking port – 3306 database(s) – ( dont write here nothing) and you give CONNET. Now to create accounts go to the logon database, Tables, and then where it says right click and go accunts View data. To create or put into the acct number 1 (which says that the account number is 1, create another 2 will create another 3 and so on), put in the login account name, put the password in the password account and if gm put az Admin, au or if GM put 0 (zero) is a normal account. And to open the server go to the folder on the server and enter the folder and run the programs arcemu: arcemu-logonserver.exe and arcemu-world.exe and wow that let you connect other open programs and go to the wow folder and open the file with notepad and type this: September realmlist dominiooip And Done now u have ur own Server,and well the domain no is free so u need one for the server,the Host no is the real problem when u have one Good computer. Credits: alb1183 Credits Traslate: SeeYa*
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