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If my topic is at wrong section one mod move it ty.



L2 archon i started  play this since it was c4 i dont know if archon exist at c3 .


My first char is typakos and then typakos2(my favorite)I ve' been at j-net clan and our worst enemy was flare(noble from here xaxa)


Server has 1000 ppl + at every siege.Flare_Vs_Makaveli (my friend at real life).This fight was for who is going to own oren castle


2 weeks makaveli 2 weeks flare xaxaxa i will post some photos later if someone play at l2 archon i want to know about him ty



Now archon is c6 and suck...So dont try to join now


Yeah i think now is closed ^^ 


I was playing c4 only with name.. what else ? :D K4rMaArr0ws or KarmaArrows!




width=640 height=480http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee66/K4rMa2007/11.jpg[/img]


width=288 height=480http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee66/K4rMa2007/KarmaArr0ws.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=480http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee66/K4rMa2007/KarmaArrows.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=480http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee66/K4rMa2007/Opel_AstraOPC_031.jpg[/img]


(I had a necro too ^^ (Radeon)


width=640 height=480http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee66/K4rMa2007/PaliHero.jpg[/img]


(This is stolen gm char ax0ax0 "Maxcheaters" ^^)





width=288 height=480http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee66/K4rMa2007/sadsa29.jpg[/img]


Good times :'/


As radeon i remember u xaxax i agree good times I remember that u are at my ally and u are going for goddard  castle Fear+Fear2(kenedy's ally xD) power   later u leave my ally and create uprising with lepto bla bla bla xD at the photo u are saying target bacardi xaxaxaxa bacardi from my net


As radeon i remember u xaxax i agree good times I remember that u are at my ally and u are going for goddard  castle Fear+Fear2(kenedy's ally xD) power   later u leave my ally and create uprising with lepto bla bla bla xD at the photo u are saying target bacardi xaxaxaxa bacardi from my net


LoL you remember more things thaN me xaxa ^^


The siege f0r goddard it was an epiC fail ^^ I was playing from a noobish net cafe.. and my player and the whole internet cafe stuck.. I could log in but i couldnt move or speak.. Damn =X I still remember it :P And u was all there..attacking and the leader offline xaxaxa..


And then yeah with lepto :P This ally failed too :P


LoL you remember more things thaN me xaxa ^^


The siege f0r goddard it was an epiC fail ^^ I was playing from a noobish net cafe.. and my player and the whole internet cafe stuck.. I could log in but i couldnt move or speak.. Damn =X I still remember it :P And u was all there..attacking and the leader offline xaxaxa..


And then yeah with lepto :P This ally failed too :P




xD i remember almost everything.It was one of the best servers that i have  played  nice pvp etc etc xaxaxa tommorow u will have my photos xD and i give


+1 for your epic fail :P





THe only ally that deserves respect is was fear xD typakos2,,makaveli,sakaflias,treliara,goldenwolf etc etc xaxa


Burned people.. heh... I don't have a server i can say i had best times ever but i can say that i had servers where i made a lot of good memories. On some i were most hated on some most loved but the main idea remains. When a enemy see a dark elf with a knife in the hand and a crown on the head its BsOe time... Nice pictures tho really love'd em.


Server has 1000 ppl + at every siege.Flare_Vs_Makaveli (my friend at real life).This fight was for who is going to own oren castle


2 weeks makaveli 2 weeks flare xaxaxa i will post some photos later if someone play at l2 archon i want to know about him ty

nonononono 1 month flare - 1 week makaveli... say the truth pl0x :P as long as me or flare were unbanned and had *TheHeroPlayers* clan none alone could take the castle even when +56 and +29 jewels were joioning the battle against us  or gm assists :D :P you ve got to admit that most of server population was from kozani supporting the server were it was hosted.


i dont know if jto sees this forum anymore or even liamx (his assistant)but since i quit Lineage i dont really want a specific answer  since my brother was banned and expelled using my antitarget and olympiads "tips"...but when everyone started to use my exploits  no one was punished!yet again you players have to admit that oren was unsiegable :P you were breaking my alliances in order to bribe them for castles :D the videos playing in the index come from oren and flare attacks on oren ^^


have fun :P


nonononono 1 month flare - 1 week makaveli... say the truth pl0x :P as long as me or flare were unbanned and had *TheHeroPlayers* clan none alone could take the castle even when +56 and +29 jewels were joioning the battle against us  or gm assists :D :P you ve got to admit that most of server population was from kozani supporting the server were it was hosted.


i dont know if jto sees this forum anymore or even liamx (his assistant)but an answer would be perfect since my brother was banned and expelled using my antitarget and olympiads "tips"...but when everyone started to use my exploits  no one was punished!yet again you players have to admit that oren was unsiegable :P you were breaking my alliances in order to bribe them for castles :D the videos playing in the index come from oren and flare attacks on oren ^^


have fun :P





LoL u are flares brother ...And say the truth dont be a lier xaxaxax Makaveli owns castle for 20 weeks flare for 2 xaxaxax archon at c6 create lots of bugs of wrongs Eg there was one location that one mob  gives u 200k meds lol +29 armors jewels is at start of archon xaxaxa i had enough to give to my friends xD




Btw i have aa video at youtube that i enchant my am for +51 xaxaxaxaa    x0a0xa0xa0


taht was at c6 xaxax after wipe 



at our old net we didnt have fraps so we take movie from a mobile phone QQ xaxaxaxa to xoume s leo xaxaxa



that video created from  melady admin of archon w



and we never bribe your alliance cause fear was the biggest ally at l2 archon


LoL u are flares brother ...And say the truth dont be a lier xaxaxax Makaveli owns castle for 20 weeks flare for 2 xaxaxax archon at c6 create lots of bugs of wrongs Eg there was one location that one mob  gives u 200k meds lol +29 armors jewels is at start of archon xaxaxa i had enough to give to my friends xD




Btw i have aa video at youtube that i enchant my bow for +51 xaxaxaxaa

gf makavelli :) good try but ss can see the truth :P

I Played There.. For 3-4 Years... Full Set +29 , Arcana +51(Active Aura Flare xD).. Valakas +16(The Most Precius Item In The Server) And All The Other Epic Jewells (ant queen +29 & orfen +29)..Good Memories , 3 Times Hero..

Char Name : IamAl0ne.. If U Played There U Propably Remember Me..


I Played There.. For 3-4 Years... Full Set +29 , Arcana +51(Active Aura Flare xD).. Valakas +16(The Most Precius Item In The Server) And All The Other Epic Jewells (ant queen +29 & orfen +29)..Good Memories , 3 Times Hero..

Char Name : IamAl0ne.. If U Played There U Propably Remember Me..



lol nice joke at c4 there isnt actives and passives LOLen When archon  become c6 all ppl start to search for others servers


here some photos from me and my friends at 2 hours i will upload



lol nice joke at c4 there isnt actives and passives LOLen When archon  become c6 all ppl start to search for others servers


here some photos from me and my friends at 2 hours i will upload

man lol u are joking me? huh? OF COURSE THERE WEREN'T LIFESTONES ON C4 OMG!!!

I AM TALKING ABOUT C6! LOL!! I Starded Playing There On C4 And I Ended Before It Wiped.. Read mY pOST BEFORE U ANSWER OMG!!





me and my brother had 3 valakas 3 baiums and 4 antharas :D Flare's +51 ArcanaMace 


all server knew i had these staff and our chars were n0bLe and Flare


probably HaLL had better stuff than us

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