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[C5 Off] Lineage 2 Azure


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First of all I want to say that server is not mine. I'd just like to show you what is opening for 2 days. With Amazing number of players online...

So here are some Infos :


New low-rate server (Celes, 7x) is opening in April! Join us!


-- Events --


No events are running at this time.


-- Normal Description --


Azure Gaming: Lineage II is the premiere C5 server on the web. We have an excellent staff, 100% fair and legit donations, a large community, two servers to suit your playstyle, and more.


Why are we the best?


- We've shown time and time again that we have what it takes to succeed. We run two servers and pay all the bills with completely fair and legit donations.

- We have one of the best anti-cheat protections of any server. We have been bot-free for over 15 months since we went live. We've never had a bot problem, and we don't plan to ever have one.



- We have one of the most stable and accurate C5 servers. We have 99% C5 skills, with working Backstab, working Lethal Strike Type 2, Mana Burn, Summon Friend, and more. No other server has skills as accurate as we do!

- We have working Demonic Sword Zariche, 24 buff slots and 10 debuff slots, C5 areas, C5 mobs, C5 weapons, and more. We're always working hard on providing a great game experience.


I could go on and on, but come and see us for yourself. We are the best! Come and fight for supremacy with the best.



Website: www.azurel2.com




Aerith - 5x - Low-rate

Celes - 7x - Low-rate

Nanaki - 15x - Mid-rate


And yes,some movies i found to show you that server have big community. U'll like em :)



P.s I posted it because i'd like to more people come and see what does mean Real Lineage II World,Supreme is Unique Server... see ya in game :)


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Here is somethin about Azure, I played there for 1.5 years and I just wasted my time. The videos are from like 2 years ago when Azure was popular. There is about 200 players in 5x, 400 in 15x, and 500 in 7x. There is no such thing as mana potions so you cant play your favorite mage classes. NO C5 skills, items, clan system. There is only event like once every 2 months. It really sucks you know... And now it is hard as fuk to get money because the economy is all fuked up. Who the hell sells Dark Crystal Helmet for 200.000.000??? It's just not right. Especially on a 15x and a 7x. 5x is empty, GMs all quit so make random normal player Gm. It took azure 2 years to evolve from C3 to C4.7. And the videos are from SUPREME L2 which is the old version of Azure which people actually liked. The Gms are lazy as shit too. When you ask for help, they don't give a fuck, they just watch TV all day and say "screw those players" Is this a server you really wanna join? One more thing I would like to add is that THERE IS NO MAKING 2 ACCOUNTS. Wtf? What is wrong with making 2 accounts? The updater doesn't work properly, you have to go in the system folder to open Azure. I really hope that you all beilieve me, because I am not lying about this server.

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I didnt know that,i'll join server because i like to see everywhere People Exping/full parties etc,etc... Also im bored so before army im gonna play it...

But that about GM's they made Normal players i really didnt know :S


For me seems like Good server,Offi Files,etc etc... I think this is far best server now... Not Even DEX is like this one...

About Movies,however its same server,and maybe more players will join than before..

P.S I think at every server GM's have thier Own chars...

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and 500 in 7x

Especially on a 15x and a 7x.

I dont believe you because x7 doesnt work yet, its just beta phase. Server start in Friday, so how can possible you played here and said it suck?

No mana potions? Yes and its real lineage 2.

Clan System will be working from the server start.



Sry for my english...[/move]

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Here is somethin about Azure, I played there for 1.5 years and I just wasted my time. The videos are from like 2 years ago when Azure was popular. There is about 200 players in 5x, 400 in 15x, and 500 in 7x. There is no such thing as mana potions so you cant play your favorite mage classes. NO C5 skills, items, clan system. There is only event like once every 2 months. It really sucks you know... And now it is hard as fuk to get money because the economy is all fuked up. Who the hell sells Dark Crystal Helmet for 200.000.000??? It's just not right. Especially on a 15x and a 7x. 5x is empty, GMs all quit so make random normal player Gm. It took azure 2 years to evolve from C3 to C4.7. And the videos are from SUPREME L2 which is the old version of Azure which people actually liked. The Gms are lazy as shit too. When you ask for help, they don't give a -beep-, they just watch TV all day and say "screw those players" Is this a server you really wanna join? One more thing I would like to add is that THERE IS NO MAKING 2 ACCOUNTS. Wtf? What is wrong with making 2 accounts? The updater doesn't work properly, you have to go in the system folder to open Azure. I really hope that you all beilieve me, because I am not lying about this server.


you dude, srsly dont have any clue about what you are talking, lol.

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I dont think that server are so bad as you say.Many people told me that admin are very friendly,and i hear clan Eminity  form retail server,left bartz and play on Azure.I cant wait when server going live.

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Today I just tried playing on the server and I kept lagging. I don't know about you guys but every 10-30 seconds or so, I got a huge lag spike... I live in USA, and I hear this server is located in USA, so I don't know whats going on.

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stop spamming shady!you do all the time flaming posts about all servers! if you continue i'll request -1


spamming? sorry kid but you are worng.I am with some friend going play on Azure celes x7.

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Here is somethin about Azure, I played there for 1.5 years and I just wasted my time. The videos are from like 2 years ago when Azure was popular. There is about 200 players in 5x, 400 in 15x, and 500 in 7x. There is no such thing as mana potions so you cant play your favorite mage classes. NO C5 skills, items, clan system. There is only event like once every 2 months. It really sucks you know... And now it is hard as fuk to get money because the economy is all fuked up. Who the hell sells Dark Crystal Helmet for 200.000.000??? It's just not right. Especially on a 15x and a 7x. 5x is empty, GMs all quit so make random normal player Gm. It took azure 2 years to evolve from C3 to C4.7. And the videos are from SUPREME L2 which is the old version of Azure which people actually liked. The Gms are lazy as shit too. When you ask for help, they don't give a -beep-, they just watch TV all day and say "screw those players" Is this a server you really wanna join? One more thing I would like to add is that THERE IS NO MAKING 2 ACCOUNTS. Wtf? What is wrong with making 2 accounts? The updater doesn't work properly, you have to go in the system folder to open Azure. I really hope that you all beilieve me, because I am not lying about this server.


7x is aint even up you cant predict the player numbers

Azure was never c3, there are c5 sklills,c5 areas,c5 mobs, c5 clan system nearly done, THIS SERVER HAS NO BUGS or EXPLOITS they are slow in developming but they do it right and 100% working, there No Botters since it started, its a 15/5x rate server so price is ofc more than on a 1x for items, second there no lags, and gms take care of the server. you where a little fag on the community till ya got banned and now you trying destroying the rep from azurel2 gf kid

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