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[move]An einai kapoios na to kanei copypaste as dwsei ta credits...[/move]


To Lineage oso paralogo kian sas fainetai se esas tous kamenous...exei parei ton skeleto tou apo ta Pokemon.....Mhn viasteite na peite einai teleiws ma....kas o zeromaker akouste gia poio logo tairiazoun auta ta dyo paixnidia...




1)Den yparxei kapoia class... h kapoio eidos pou einai apoluto oti exei oles tis alles class se pvp

2)oti einai super effective exei ena not effective px Archer > Mage Alla  Dagger > Archer




[move]Sygkekrimena sta pvp tou L2[/move]


Fighters: Oi fighters h ta perissotera class tous einai ftiagmena gia pvp opote uperteroun twn magwn stis perissoteres periptwseis....

Mage: Oi mage me ta dynata skills tous alla me to ligo hp kai ta def pou exoun einai oi kaluteroi gia farm

Buffers:Oi buffers isws na einai h pio xrhsimh class tou L2... Kai eidika an exoun ena kalo e3oplismo mporoun na sas kanoun megalh zhmia... Kurio paradeigma prophet  me active h Bd me kalo equip...



[move]CLASS BASED PVP[/move]


As anafer8oume tora se eidikoteres classes kai categories...


Oi Archers mporoun na einai h kolash ton buffer-fighter class mias kai exoun skills ta opoia enas buffer dn mporei na ta antimetopisei... (Stun+velos=buffer telos xD)

Kai h aitia einai h e3hs: Enas hawkeye h enas moonlight sentinel einai grhgoros kai se periptwsh stun mporei na fygei makria apo ton titan h to tank h ton Bladedancer kai na ton apoteleiwsei me ta shots tou.... Epeishs eykolos antipalos einai oi nukers mages me to ligo hp pou mporoun na fygoun me 2-3 criticals...



Oi daggerades mias kai exoun thn taxythta +to bluff mporoun na skotosoun eykola tous archers mias kai h stratigikh tou archer pou legetai hit and run stous daggerades legete <<Show me your back...>>

Opote an petyxete archers sto epipedo sas dn 8a htan asxhma na tous antimetopisete oi pi8anothtes einai mazi sas....



Oi mage (Fysiologikoi mages...sps sph necro...) Mporoun na e3ontosoun eykola ena tank kanontas tou debuff gia speed h cancel analoga thn class pou exei...Oi sps mporoun na ri3oun ena tank h enan low dmg fighter Opws glady h bd pou varane xwris skills me ena ice vortex kai 8a sernontai oi antipaloi tous...

O spellhowler usterei sta debuffs alla exontas auton den 8a ta xreiasteite toso polu... me skills opws to empowering echo kai ta dynata tou vortex mporoun na teleiosoun to pvp se deyterolepta...

Telos o <<Cursed man>>> mporei me mia plh8ora magikwn xorkiwn...(anchor px...) na kanei ton antipalo na mhn mporei na kouni8ei me katevasmeno m def and then BB




Tora pame stous forced fighters(class pou 8eloun force gia  skills....tyrant+glady)

autes oi dyo classes xarakthrizontai oi pio dynates gia pvp me skills pou kanoun dmg se syndiasmo

na anevainei to force tous kai na kanoun dynata skills...ektos autou exoun kapoia skills san force barrier kai zealot (tyrant mono)pou mporoun na kanoun ton char sou sxedon me 1/3 parapanw atk speed kai gia 9 secs na mhn nio8ei tpt....Arnhtiko kommati... ta tanks tous exoun idiaitera eykola mias kai me ena shield slam xanoun edafos...epeishs o dominator mporei na ton kerdisei eykola me ena slow afou 8eloun force gia dynata skills... giati xwris skills to dmg einai MHDAMINO....



Tora pairname se mia mperdemenh alla isws kai kaluterh class tou L2...Tous Dominator....

Oi domi mporoun na kerdisoun oles tis classes me ligh dosh tuxhs kai arketo mp....Kanontas self buffs (auta ta liga alla xrhsima)se syndyasmo me ta debuffs pou skane + to drain mporei na ginei o efialths opoioudhpote char....Arnhtiko shmeio sauto to class einai mono to oti dn exoun Ka8olou Mp kai se olympiad eidika ta hits tous einai polu periorismena...



Kai ligo prin kleisw ton guide mou ir8e h ora na poume gia tous buffers (eidika tous mages) oi opoioi se syndyasmo me ena kalo active skill mesa sto oly stadium kanoun papades... kai e3w apo auto...alla se ligo mikrotero va8mo...Oi eva's saint,oi PP(hierophant h ProPhet) kai oi shillien siants...  kanoun self buffs + to prophecy pou exoun (symferei perissotero ston eva's saint pou exei pow)...to mono pou mporei na tous kanei na xasoun einai enas buffed antipalos kapoias class....


Ena allo eidos buffer kai isws h pio adikhmenh pvp class einai oi BD kai oi SWS...autoi dn exoun sxedon kanena attacking type skill ektos apo sting...ta mona kala skills tous einai ta buffs pou exoun se syndyasmo me ena kalo oplo mporoun isws na kanoun enan antipalo na tous upologizei san sklhra karudia!!!Edw den mporoume na poume oti kerdizoun kapoia class... giati an to ekanan auto dn 8a legontan buffers !!!


Epeishs einai h eponomazomenh class pou troei olo to 3ylo apo ta boss i Ta diadedomena <<tanks>> autes oi class prospa8oun na petyxoun ena stun me to spa8i kai thn aspida tous kai na epiti8ontai me ligo dmg alla exontas san support ena bow  pou mporei na ri3ei enan stunned antipalo h akoma kai na faei arketo 3ylo epeidh exei p.def kai m.def opote dn 8a niosei kati.... Ta tanks mporoun na ri3oun eykola tous forced fighters mias kai me to stun peftei to hp kai dn mporoun na anevasoun force kai nukers mages pali me stun....


Telos i <<Last But not least>> Einai o Titan o opoios mporei na katatroposei opoiadhpote class tolmhsei na tou katevasei to hp katw apo to 30% afou kanei to zealot + frenzy kanei hits ta opoia katastrefoun opoion akoumphsei to Prasino teras.Oi monoi oi opoioi isws na exoun mia pi8anothta na tous xwsoun einai osoi mporoun na ton kanoun slow h stun Alla apo makria panta (archer and nuker mages) Me ton titan mhn ton ferate konta sas giati exei dynata xtyphmata ta opoia einai farmakera...!!!



O guide apey8unetai se classes kai paixtes gia official h gia polu low rate servers opou to ka8e ability a3izei....Stous archers kai se ola ta buffs ypologisa ena skill peripou sto +4-5 kai sthn armor kai sto weap kapou sto +5 (an skeftoume official kai oly...)



Mporei na mhn exw valei kapoia pragmata sta tanks alla pisteyw oti autos o prwtos mou guide na boi8isei kosmo pou skeftetai poia einai h kaluterh class...



Auta pou egrapsa ta egrapsa me gnwmona ta 6 xronia pou paizw official kai ton 1,5 pou asxoloumai me private low rate....



An exete kapoia  diafwnia aplws kante mou ena reply...


eki p les oti o sps bori na ri3i tn gladi kanis megalo la8os, o gladi pezi m magies apo makria k exi k ena skill p ine san dash p trexi grigora k varai apo koda tn kali t magia k gamise


egw milaw gia official panta kai epeishs se peiratikous servers paizw me duelist...se olympiad omws h se unbuffed pvp opws einai suni8ws ston official an sou kanei o allos ena ice vortec+crusher exeis xasei cp+1/3 hp peripou

tora se buffer pvp o glady isws kai na tous xwnei olous


eki p les oti o sps bori na ri3i tn gladi kanis megalo la8os, o gladi pezi m magies apo makria k exi k ena skill p ine san dash p trexi grigora k varai apo koda tn kali t magia k gamise

LoL magies?Ennoeis tis "Bananes" mhpws?xD


Σίγουρα παίζεις official?


ναι φιλε μου παιζω official.Δν ξερω ισως ο teon να μην εχει τοσους μπαφεραδες αλλα οπως θελεις


Ego diafono oti to l2 miazi me ta pokemon. Den ine akrivos etc file m gt kai to wow exi class p nikane kapia kai xanoun apo alla. Afto ine logiko na ginete gt alios tha ipirxan overpowered class kai den tha ixe noima to pexnidi. Apla afti ine i logiki oste na balancaroun ta pragmata apla isos ta pokemon itan apo ta prota pexnidia p ftiaxtikan se style rpg.


Tora gia tous forced fighters opou les oti ta tanks tous exoun idiaitera eykola diafono, o tyrant exi megali adinamia se chars p exoun genika high life dld p dne peftoun gtp. Omos o gladi den exi tosi adinamia.2on an enas gladi i idika fistas p exi high speed idika me wolf i rabbit spirit barai mono apo makria se high life chars opou sinithos exoun low speed isos tous nikisoun sxetika efkola an kai tha pari poli ora afti i maxi.


Afti ine i gnomi m.

  • 4 weeks later...

egw simfonw me merika aposa les alla twra o sps na riksi gladi re man XD

protapolla o gladi leme twra 61 gladi me 61 sps

exei mdef upervolika megalitero apoti p def o magos

episis ta hit tou kanoun trelo damage

twra an peksi slow klp o gladi exei kati paromio me dash opote akuro

poso slow na faei dld lol

an eisai tixeros k piasis cancel + slow kati ginete...

alla milame gia geri kolofardia tote...

  • 1 month later...

WELL aris1007 o SPS xwnei xlr gladi amma kses na pezeiC

1)Cancel (amma einai flagged)


3)Ice Vortex

4)Frost Bolt

5)amma exei seed kaneis kai blizzard

6)Q_Q no speed o gladi..... to polly me afta ta debuffs na exei 90 speed..

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    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net/ Counter Strike 2 Nixware Hack With the Nixware cheat, you have powerful software in your hands for exciting battles in Counter-Strike 2! The perfect set of features for Rage and Semi-Rage games will provide you with confidence on the battlefield. Use antiaim to avoid being hit. Customize the world for yourself by adjusting the colors and the sky. Shoot through the walls and use other unique opportunities to defeat your rivals and become the leader of the team! Product Description LEGITBOT FOV Hitboxes Head Neck Chest Stomach Pelvis Smooth Shot delay Kill delay Lock target Lock mouse Draw FOV Disable when Smoke Flash Jump RAGEBOT Aimbot FOV changer Hitscan Head Neck Chest Stomach Pelvis HeadBody point scale Minimal damage Hitchance Force shoot PSilent Antiaim Autoscope Autostop (between shots) Bunnyhop Auto strafer with smooth adjustment Accurate walk ESP Box Glow Skeleton Footsteps Name Weapon name Health Health bar Ammo Chams Ragdoll chams Offscreen ESP Box Minimal and maximum radius customization Minimal and maximum size customization WORLD Bomb esp Timer Damage Name Weapons Icon Name Glow Grenades Color Trajectory Timer Grenade proximity warning SKINS Gloves Seed Paint kit Wear Knifes Seed Paint kit Wear Weapons Seed Paint kit Wear MISC View Model Editor View Model Chams Hand chams Glove chams Sleeve chams Weapon chams Auto Accept Show player money Spectator list World modulation (world, clouds, sky, sun) Spread circle TaserKnife range Hit markerHit effect Aspect ratio Third person REMOVALS Flash Smoke Visual recoil Scope borders Zoom Sniper crosshair check Team intro First person legs Model occlusion Shadows Fog Decals Particles Water effect Lightning  
    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net/ Counter Strike 2 Xone Hack Looking for a legit cheat for Counter-Strike 2? Xone is your perfect choice! Our product provides unsurpassed features that allow you to play legit and at the same time have an advantage over other players. Discover a new level of gaming efficiency with Xone! Product Description AIM Draw fov Draw target Only enemy Only visible Status Smooth Fov Hitbox Compensation Standalone Target switch Trigger Use aimbot Sticky mode Recoil compensation Delay Custom setting for all VISUAL Enable Box Skeleton Head Loot Health Weapon Name Defuser Bomb Visible check MISK Radar Only enemy Color Enemy/Team Scale Size Keybind Spectator list Bomb info  
    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net/ Apex Legends Phoenix Macro We are excited to introduce our new development, Phoenix private macros for Apex Legends. Recently, it has become harder to develop stable and undetectable cheats for Apex, so we decided to add a safer option to our range. Our macros offer a revolutionary solution in the world of Apex scripts and macros. Everything is launched and configured through a convenient menu and works with all weapons and computer mouse models. So, our program is very user-friendly. Phoenix Macros provide you with an advantage in the game while minimizing the risk of your account being banned. In addition, we offer our program at a very affordable price. If you don't want to risk using cheats, then Phoenix Macro is perfect for you! Product Description Weapon recoil control (Apex Macros) Enable - You can enable/disable the macro during the game Weapon - the choice of weapons with which the macro will work Works with all weapons in the game Scopes - works with all scopes in the game Attachments - works with all weapon mods in the game Control X / Y - adjustment of vertical and horizontal recoil Auto-detection of weapons in your arms Auto-detection of weapon modules Hipfire - macro works when you shoot from the hip (not aiming) Legit Mode - is a safer way to control recoil List of supported weapons (Script / Macros for All Weapons) R99 R301 Alternator RE45 Flatline Spitfire C.A.R. Hemlock Rampage Devotion Volt P2020 SCOUT G7 Havoc PDW L-Star w30-30 Nemesis List of supported modules for guns Double Tap Trigger Turbocharger 2x HCOG "Bruiser" 1x-2x Variable Holo 3x HCOG "Ranger" 2x-4x Variable AOG Barrel Stabilizer Laser Sight Add. Script Features (Phoenix Macro) Binds - bind keys to select the desired weapon Autodetection - automatic detection of weapons in hands when holding a key Selector Circle - a convenient window for selecting weapons (in the form of a circle / wheel) Anti OBS - hide the script window and menu on screenshots and when recording via OBS Languages - English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish and Turkish Use Controller - phoenix macro for apex works with gamepads
    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net/ Apex Legends Dullwave Hack The private cheat Dullwave for Apex Legends. What sets this product apart is its balance and high quality, with a Loot ESP feature offering a wide range of settings. The primary function of the software is the AIM, specifically a vector-based system, perfect for both Legit and Semi-Rage playstyles. The next menu option is Loot. The item ESP is highly effective, with a variety of settings and categories, making it both visually appealing and user-friendly. Player ESP also matches the quality of AIM and Loot, providing a full-featured player display with smooth performance and multiple customization options. Notably, the Dullwave cheat stands out for its excellent performance and minimal risk of getting banned. If you're looking to try something new and reliable in the realm of Apex Legends cheats, Dullwave is an outstanding choice. Product Description AIM Enabled - enable aimbot, aiming assistance when shooting Bind - select a key to activate the aimbot (hold) Bone - body parts that the aimbot will target FOV - the size of the aimbot's working area Draw FOV - show the aimbot's working area as a circle around the sight Smooth - the smoothness of the aimbot, the smoother the aimbot is Prediction - predicting the enemy's trajectory Visible Check - only target enemies not behind walls Draw Snapline - draw a line to the current aimbot target Dynamic Smooth - dynamic smoothness, depending on the situation Ignore Knocked - ignore knocked enemies Max Distance - limit the range of the aim ESP (Wallhack) Max Distance - limit the range of the aim Box ESP - wh in the form of boxes Box Style - box style, corners or full 2D boxes Health Bar - show the amount of HP using a bar Armor Bar - Show the amount of armor players have using a bar Skeleton - wh in the form of skeletons Distance - distance to targets Name ESP - players' nicknames Snaplines - wh in the form of lines Weapon - weapons in the hands of players Glow - outline of character models Spectators - show the number of players who are watching you after death Loot ESP (Items) Loot ESP - wh showing items (loot) Rarity Filter - filter items based on their rarity Glow - outline of items Ammo - show ammunition Heal - first aid kits, items for treatment Scopes - sights for weapons Weapons - various weapons Deathbox - boxes of dead players with loot inside Grenades - grenade, explosive Equipment - helmets, armor, backpacks Attachments - various modules for weapons Distance - distance to loot
    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net/ Albion Online Radar Hack We are excited to introduce a new product in our store: a private radar for Albion Online. Creating software with powerful features for this game is quite challenging, which is why radar software remains one of the most useful and safest options available. With this radar, you can easily detect resources, mobs, players, and other in-game objects. The software comes with numerous customizable settings, allowing you to tailor it to your preferences. In short, if you want to significantly boost your farming and leveling speed in Albion Online, this radar is an invaluable tool you shouldn’t overlook. Product Description Players Radar for Albion Online Enable On Mount Name Health Distance Players in Your Party (Team Check) Mobs Radar for Albion Online Hostile (Enemies) Boss Miniboss Mists Wisps (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary) World (Items, Loot) Wood Rock Fiber Ore Hide Filter by Tier & Enchantment Hiden Cheast Avalone Drone Player Lootbag Mob Lootbag Dungeons Solo Group Corrupt Hellgate Mist Portal Distance Misc (Other Settings) Zoom Transparency Point Scale Text Scale Disable Radar Key Disable Player Key Custom Colors CFG System      
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