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Name Server: Resistance

Server Rates: 45x?


Enchant Rate: 66%?

Enchant Max: 15?

Enchant Safe: 4?


Gm Shop Included: Yes till A grade and then S higher price from special shop

Npc Buffer Included: Yes but without 3rd class buffs

Luxary Gatekeeper Included: Yes

Npc Enchanter Included: No

Raidboss Teleporter: No


Noblesse Manager Included: Yes

You need a item requirement to be Noblesse: Yes

If you said yes to "Noblesse Item Requirement" Say the item you require: This items from quest that needed but its will be for buy from shop


Hero Manager Included: Yes

You need a item requirement to be Hero: No

If you said yes to "Hero Item Requirement" Say the item you require:


Custom Items Included: No

If yes, which Custom Items will be included ?


Custom Armors Included: Yes but its just change LOOK of ur char and dont add anything special :P (Maybe a bit higher p/m def)

If yes, which Custom Amors will be included: Dynasty or Epic set ;)


Custom Weapons Included: Yes, Same as armor

If yes, which Custom Weapons will be included : Dynasty for sure


Automatic Events Included: Yes, TvT, CTF

Automtic Event, Team versus Team: Yes


What location must the Players spawn when created a character: Well all should spawn in Cedric's HALL and put there some monster till 20 LVL, NPC buffer and GK! :P


Let Player being married: Yes - but not G4y's ... xD

What are the costs to marry 100kk

In how many Minutes or seconds you must be teleportted to your love, When Married: 20 sec


Allow the Wargods Class Changer: Yes

What is the price for changing your class: 1kk for 1st class, 5kk for 2nd class and 25kk for 3rd class :P (In adena or other items or for Free)


Allow Players to subclass: Yes

Allow players to have multiclass: NO

What will be the Max that you can subclass: Well u can have 1 main + 3 Sub

What will be the price to be able to subclass: 500kk per Sub :)


Allow players to Dualbox: No, for make AIO's ^^


Allow Fall damage: No


How long must the buffs stay in Hours or Minutes: Normal Buffs 2h and 3rd class 1

How many buff bars can you hold: 26 :)


What must the the Name or Title color of the Clan Leader: White :O


Lets do a Announce for the Castle Lords when they login in game: No


How many items can you hold in your inventory: 100


Max Atk.Spd: 1.1k

Max Casting.Spd: 1.6k


Announce PVP / PK kills: No!!! ITS LAME THING EVER SEEN :P


Allow to teleport for free with gate keepers: Yes



DragonHunter Idea's:

Shine a glow when you make a pvp or PK: Both


Give a price on a PVP or PK: PVP


Custom Lethal System:

It must be Balance! :P


Custom Pets: No



Custom Npc System: Yes


Faction System: No


Changing Name Color After X pvp kills: Yes but it will be HUGE :P

If Yes, which Colors and after how many PVP's you will have a colored name: 500 - teal  2500 - green    6000 - beige    10000 - yellow


Changing Title Color After X pvp kills: No

If Yes, which Colors and after how many PVP's you will have a colored name


Changing Name Color After X PK kills: No

If Yes, which Colors and after how many PVP's you will have a colored name


Changing Title Color After X PK kills: No

If Yes, which Colors and after how many PVP's you will have a colored name


Rebirth System: No


Allowed to teleport while in PVP: No


Disable Blessed Scroll of Escape: Yes


Allowed to use Potions while using skills: No


Cannot attack players if they are X level: No

If Yes, which level they will be able to be attacked ?




My Own Idea(s):

Put here your Idea(s) 


Farm Zone for Adena - Drop 15kk adena and some more farms later say :P

Some new Events ;)


That's all for now :P It would be GREAT If someone can handle it ! ^^ xD

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