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Like in Subject.. i am playing Gracia server and i saw on some site that is possible.. can some1 post that here?




i just wonna see it..


at my serv is +12 safe and i just wonna  make like 100 wep's +12 in minimal amount of time.. can some1 help me? autoclicker sux with that..


Hmmm. I saw l2net program with scripts for auto-enchant . Its ogg or ig (as u wish :P )

L2net is for ct1+ so u can use it on ur serv( if its not fuly protected)


But i need l2w + auto enchant (1by1) cuz im playing interlude.

Best script would be with auto enchant and buying scrols from gm shop and exchanging goldBars


(l2core serv)

Can some1 help me (us)

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