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L2WorldUK - C5 Private Server - No Donations


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Chronicle 5 - Oath of Blood

UK based server up and running since December 2005.

Dedicated Dual Xeon 3.4 Mhz    4 Gb RAM

Rates x20 x25 x50


No Donators - Everyone has the same opportunities


Working Noblesse/Hero/Clanhalls/Skill enchants/quests/7 signs

All C5 areas populated - friendly GMs


Own forum - http://l2worlduk.proboards81.com/index.cgi

Own Database site: - http://l2zak.dyndns.org/index.php


GM shop - GM Buffer - Spellbook Seller - Material Seller - GM Teleporter


Come and visit us and see how good a proper L2J server can be


Aardvaark ;D



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  • 3 weeks later...

that the biggest problemm.when we say pvp server that the only one we need. no pkers. everybody comes from behind or u are xp your char and they hit u for pk. that sucks.PVP players PVP not pk.man vs man like the old days on wild west :)

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