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hmm plz help me i wanna make the gm with all privigs without //changelvl



# Alt privileges for GMs based on command privileges (command-privileges.properties)

AltPrivilegesAdmin = True





hey plz help me i have done the GM access lvl 75 i need make that he  have all privilegs only that he dont have //changelvl becuase he can then edit access lvl and i dont wanna it...



1 addic i have must give him 75 becuase when he is 100 i can,t make  that admin name is yellow and gm name  is green so i have must make it :(

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# Alt privileges for GMs based on command privileges (command-privileges.properties)

AltPrivilegesAdmin = True


# If next switch set to true every character will have access level 200.

EverybodyHasAdminRights = False


# Configure GM AccessLevels, if AltPrivilegesAdmin is False

GMAccessLevel = 75

GMMinLevel = 100

GMCanAnnounce = 100

GMCanBan = 75

GMCanBanChat = 100

GMCanShop = 75

GMCanDelete = 75

GMCanKick = 200

GMMenu = 75

GMGodMode = 75

GMCanEditChar = 75

GMCanEditCharOther = 200

GMCanViewChar = 75

GMCanEditNPC = 200

GMCanViewNPC = 200

GMCanTeleport = 75

GMCanTeleportOther = 75

GMCanRestart = 75

GMMonsterRace = 75

GMRider = 75

GMFastUnstuck = 75

GMResurectFixed = 75

GMEnchant = 75

GMDoor = 75

GMRes = 75

GMPeaceAttack = 75

GMHeal = 75

GMUnblock = 75

GMCache = 75

GMTalkBlock = 75

GMTest = 75

GMEnchant = 75

GMFunEngine = 75


#Disable Transaction

# False = Transaction enable for GM

# Max,Min = Transaction disable for this range

GMDisableTransaction = False


# Minimum level to deal damage

#  (GM with level below won't deal damage)

GMCanGiveDamage = 75

# GM with level below or equal don't take aggro)

GMDontTakeAggro = 90

# GM with level below or equal don't take Exp/Sp)

GMDontGiveExpSp = 90


# Change Color of GM's name (True / False)

# Color of GM's name (Must be RGB html color : FFFF33 = Yellow)

# http://www.immigration-usa.com/html_colors.html

GMNameColorEnabled = True

GMNameColor = 00FF00


# GM Title Color

GMTitleColorEnabled = True

GMTitleColor = 00FF00


# Color to use for Admin names, if enabled. (access level 100+).

# (Must be in hex RGB format: eg. 00FF00 = Green)

AdminNameColor = 00FFFF

AdminTitleColor = 00FFFF




this are not all privilegs ? : D or yes ? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......

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