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[G-U-I-D-E] How To Made Your Server GLOBAL !!!

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Hello Friends I Serched Hard On The Forum But I Don't Find Guides How To Made My Server GLOBAL.

So I Whant To Create One  8)


Ok Lets Start With The Guide:


Step 1: Go To C:\Server\GameServer\Config\Server.properties And Find


ExternalHostname= <~~ Here Change To Your IP Adress


After You Change This Find:


InternalHostname= <~~ Here Change To Your IP Adress


Save And Exit.


Do The Same With C:\Server\LogIn\Config\loginserver.properties


Step 2: First Need To Find How Many RamMemory You Have.




I Have 3GB.


Now Go To C:\Server\GameServer\StartGameServer.bat Right Click On It And Chose "Edit"


Find This:

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx1024m com.l2jarchid.gameserver.GameServer


Where Says Xmx64m Change If From 64m To Half of Your RAM (I add 1500m)


Do The Save With C:\Server\LogIn\StartLogInServer.bat


Save And Exit.



Step 3: Create Server Patch


First Need a Patched System (in the end of guide I will put a link to donwload)

Second Need a Program Named L2 FileEdit (in the end of guide I will put a link to donwload)


Run The FileEdit And Decrupt L2.ini


width=640 height=267http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/9320/21332759.jpg[/img]





Where Says: Add Your IP Adress.


After Finish Press This:


width=640 height=475http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/4370/98423302.jpg[/img]


Save And Exit.



That Was All  ;D ;D



Download Links:  :o :o



Patched System


L2 FileEdit



IP Adress Problem: :'(



Most Of Peoples Not Have Good IP Adress And This a Is BIG Problem  :-\ So I Serch In Forum For This Problem And I Find Some

Guides About No-IP ReGistration  8) 8)



Some Links To Guides:






I Hope This Guide Will Help For Some One  ;)

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