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[Gracia T2 L2J] L2RaceSupremacy - Kaboom of PvP servers

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nothing of special.

a lot lagging also


I lol'ed at this !

I have a crapp connection and i don't lagg. i wander how you could do so ? maybe a dial-up 56kb connection ?

And it is special. I saw the work done since the server opened until now, and it was a huge ammount of things done in ~2 days. Where do you find a service like that ? Where you find GM's and Admin's working and updating the server without interruption towards the best features ?

You made my day Mr.ExperienceL2 :))


I lol'ed at this !

I have a crapp connection and i don't lagg. i wander how you could do so ? maybe a dial-up 56kb connection ?

And it is special. I saw the work done since the server opened until now, and it was a huge ammount of things done in ~2 days. Where do you find a service like that ? Where you find GM's and Admin's working and updating the server without interruption towards the best features ?

You made my day Mr.ExperienceL2 :))

+ the custom items implemented destroys balance

Ye in generaly custom things make the game unbalanced.. but


we are old lineage2 players. we have started lineage.2.. and now we know about 98% of it..


we know how the pvp can be more exiting :)


We are adding  new custom items with 100000% accuracy , for every one of them.


we are not unbalancing the lineage2 game, we trying to make it beter.


and you will see that..


Just we need more time.


We know lineage2, we trying to make it Perfect cuaz it is not.

Best Regards.




ye i tested very good srv ....But dont put more customs armors /weapons...

Will broke the game

No worries about that. everything has been tested, and re-worked to provide the best experience without breaking any balance. In fact all the customs tend to make every class able to pvp in a balanced way.

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