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Creating Geodata

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Posted (edited)

Hi people! im stacked trying to create a basic geodata on a Event Map, i would like to ask if someone has experience that it could me give a hand i'll be gratefull.

Edited by John Mouling
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1 hour ago, John Mouling said:

Hi people! im stacked trying to create a basic geodata on a Event Map, i would like to ask if someone has experience that it could me give a hand i'll be gratefull.

Hi. There are a few free geodata generation tools for l2j format out there (tho it can be converted to other formats afterwards). For example, l2mapconv (you can look it up on github).
Problem is that generally the geodata that is generated is pretty bad; and needs plenty of manual fixes.
You can use G3D Editor and other tools to fix em manually, but generally the results will be pretty bad, you'll rely mostly on a good geo engine on your server.

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Posted (edited)

I've had problems running or opening G3DEditor. Do you have any link to recommend that works? I don't know if it will be my PC or the program directly.
Thanks for your reply.

Edited by John Mouling
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3 hours ago, John Mouling said:

I've had problems running or opening G3DEditor. Do you have any link to recommend that works? I don't know if it will be my PC or the program directly.
Thanks for your reply.

You need to set up JRE 1.8 (Java Runtime Env.) for both mapconv and g3d_ed, i think. And also set up proper environmental variables in your OS; or you could simply edit the .bat files from either mapconv or g3d_ed. (smth like path="c:\program files\java\jre-1.8\bin", you get the idea)

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I will try it. Thanks


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 out of bounds for length 1
        at jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.awt.WindowsAWTWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.chooseGraphicsConfigurationImpl(WindowsAWTWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java:160)
        at javax.media.nativewindow.GraphicsConfigurationFactory.chooseGraphicsConfiguration(GraphicsConfigurationFactory.java:240)
        at javax.media.opengl.awt.GLCanvas.chooseGraphicsConfiguration(GLCanvas.java:978)
        at javax.media.opengl.awt.GLCanvas.addNotify(GLCanvas.java:517)
        at java.desktop/java.awt.Container.addImpl(Container.java:1150)
        at java.desktop/java.awt.Container.add(Container.java:1033)
        at java.desktop/javax.swing.JFrame.addImpl(JFrame.java:554)
        at java.desktop/java.awt.Container.add(Container.java:1001)
        at g3deditor.swing.FrameMain.initLayout(FrameMain.java:308)
        at g3deditor.swing.FrameMain.<init>(FrameMain.java:174)
        at g3deditor.swing.FrameMain.init(FrameMain.java:71)
        at g3deditor.G3DEditor$1.run(G3DEditor.java:75)
        at g3deditor.swing.Splash.<init>(Splash.java:77)
        at g3deditor.G3DEditor.main(G3DEditor.java:46)

This is G3DEditor error when it starts. Do you know wich could be the problem?

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