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[Gracia part II L2J]L2 Fexid


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Here are some feature of our server:


Gracia part II server .


[move]----====L][Fexid Server====----[/move]




# =================================================================

# Rate control, float values

RateXp = 100.

RateSp = 100.

RatePartyXp = 2.

RatePartySp = 2.

RateDropAdena = 1000.

RateDropItems = 1.

RateDropSpoil = 1.

RateDropManor = 1


*Added custom npc for color change/noblese giver  ^^

*Daily  events (PvP event,Fear event,Last man standing...etc)

*Active,helpfull gm's

*Custom Npc's/Buffer (no full buffs)/Hero system...

*Global Gatekeeper

*Peace zone in GK respawns

*Farm zone

*Augmentation working

*1 hours buffs duration

*Zariche and Akamanah fully working

*Skills autolearn

*Clan system working

*Clan hall system working

*Siege system working

*Fortress siege working

*Max buffs amount-->50

*Max dance/song amount-->50


*Max enchant weapon/armor--->+25

*Safe enchant--->+5

*Sucess rate armor/weapon/jewels --->66%(normal scrolls)--->80% (blesed enchant)


=Powered by L2Fexid=




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  • 2 weeks later...

Fexid is a a new server with a lot and good work from hes dev team.

(kagohara as a new server have low numb of players online couse its simple its just opened.)


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Hmmm... when I entered the server there was 3 GMs, 2 players, 2 dual boxes and me :P After few mins Only I were online :S I checked statistics on the website now and I can see same two players with thier dual boxes :P Server have lollags with 6 ppl online (!). Next joke is npc buffer. They put here all buffs, dances and even cov. So where is sense of putting lvl 1 prophet buffs? To let ppl create dual-boxes? Yeah nice idea, now it will look like 4 ppl online not 2 >.>

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