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Faction Server

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Hello Dear Friends of Maxchets.

I come to announce to you the Faction project that I have been working on for some time and due to some unforeseen circumstances
Guys, I ended up pausing and maybe stopping the project.
Would you like some information about the project and details on how to get in touch via Discord: crazyrx2564

Acis Project Basis:
These Acis are already solid files so decide to create the faction based on more solid files.
Is the entire Faction System Ready, are all Faction x Faction events working and which Events do they have so far?

Death March
Faction Hero -> Replaces the onlympiad system, as the faction fights to get the hero of each class. the fights too
happen between members of different factions.
Faction System. the traditional event where you have to capture the territory until the end of time.
KillBoss: a faction that deals the most damage earns a reward and secondly another reward, all configurable.
Last man

All of the above events have been reworked to work with the faction system.
events are radom.

With a pause in the project, some changes remained pending.
some mods that were in the plans were not added.
The EloRank event was halfway through.
If you purchase the Project and do not have experience in Java, you will have to hire a Dev to complete, add or correct any errors that may appear.

I make it very clear that the Project is 90% to my liking, what is missing are my ideas that have no impact whatsoever on opening a server.
the project also comes with a very complete Skin Pack.

It also has a Balnce Faction system, to balance the number of players from each faction to your liking.
The Project also has several other mods that can be used.


It's a very complete project, but it's up to you to use, add, or change it.
but they are files that are completely ready to be configured to your liking and open a server faction.


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