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Buff Stolen in Steal Divinity



Hi people!. Could anybody help me please?. I have a problem with steal divinity of soulbreaker. 
This skill always steal one or two buff. Im using l2jsunrise.

And this is the xml.

Do you know how can i fix it?. In lvl 5 you can steal 7 buffs.


<skill id="1440" levels="5" name="Steal Divinity">
   <!-- Confirmed CT2.5 -->
   <table name="#magicLvl"> 55 60 64 68 72 </table>
   <table name="#maxNegated"> 3 4 5 6 7 </table>
   <table name="#mpConsume"> 40 44 48 51 53 </table>
   <table name="#mpInitialConsume"> 10 11 12 13 14 </table>
   <set name="castRange" val="600" />
   <set name="coolTime" val="200" />
   <set name="effectRange" val="1100" />
   <set name="hitTime" val="1200" />
   <set name="isDebuff" val="true" />
   <set name="isMagic" val="1" /> <!-- Magic Skill -->
   <set name="magicLvl" val="#magicLvl" />
   <set name="maxNegated" val="#maxNegated" />
   <set name="mpConsume" val="#mpConsume" />
   <set name="mpInitialConsume" val="#mpInitialConsume" />
   <set name="nextActionAttack" val="true" />
   <set name="operateType" val="A1" />
   <set name="offensive" val="true" />
   <set name="reuseDelay" val="15000" />
   <set name="targetType" val="ONE" />
      <effect name="StealAbnormal" noicon="1">
         <param slot="buff" rate="5" max="#maxNegated" />


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here the param slot is equalised with the parameter maxmnegated. what that actuals means? that the amount of stolen buffs is written in this line. ex in level 1 it can steal 3 buffs in level 2 4 and etc. so you can modify the amount of this skill in the amount of the buffs you want to

Edited by jack21
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