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[Share]Voice command TvT Ctf !!! for L2Emu

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please can put only the code that add to the files? if i see the code that you add i can adapt to my datapack version


Omg ... what are you talking about the code are in the first post ... also you can download them and adapt the code ... Just change the imports .... :o

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  • 1 month later...

Cobra, you just make me laugh, on all forums you share things and you clame that you made them.

These tvt commands were made by me (MindHunter), Zakax and Cleo. (Click)

Same thing with anti-walker protection, you shared it on l2j forum and said that you've made it...

Stop being a kid, grow up.



Sorry for offtopic.

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Cobra, you just make me laugh, on all forums you share things and you clame that you made them.

These tvt commands were made by me (MindHunter), Zakax and Cleo. (Click)

Same thing with anti-walker protection, you shared it on l2j forum and said that you've made it...

Stop being a kid, grow up.



Sorry for offtopic.


Any opinion is welcome , but stay on topic atm .... if you have a 1% of java knowledge you will understand that the method at this programing language have not big difference (wen you make something in tvt or other like that voiced command can't be completely different  bcauz l2emu is sync with l2jfree), you flame my knowledge so i have the promotion to flame yours.


Always Friendly Cobra.


p.s: you want to tell me the walker protection made it those? (MindHunter), Zakax and Cleo?? rofl +1 !

p.s: 1waring for off topic.

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You know what's weird?

Your share is exactly like the one posted on l2jfree, word by word!

Such a big coincidence... ! Could you believe?

About the walker protection.. NB4L1 shared it few days before you.

And then, you, master of java, rediscovered it.

Maybe you are some kind of God, i don't know.


Anyway, keep up the good work (copy - paste) but at least give the proper credits.

Or don't give credits but at least don't lie ppl that you made it.

I'm not a good java dev, but at least i admit it.


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You know what's weird?

Your share is exactly like the one posted on l2jfree, word by word!

Such a big coincidence... ! Could you believe?

About the walker protection.. NB4L1 shared it few days before you.

And then you, master of java, rediscovered it.

Maybe you are some kind of god, i don't know.


Anyway, keep up the good work (copy - paste) but at least give the proper credit.

Or don't give credit but at least don't lie ppl that you made it.

I'm not a good java dev, but at least i admit it.



If you think i stole another ppl job/work is your problem , i always respect The Proper. But wen i fight with the admin of l2jfree and dev's i have a reason ( you are not admit to know the reason ).


See clear and properly my friend , i have made those before they share it... for my server, so stop crying about credits.


Also i warned you for off topic , and you deserve -1.


p.s: continue off topic you will be reported !

p.s: Go cry at l2jfree forum about l2jserver credits, bcauz they stole the hole code from l2jserver.


This Code made at l2jfree.


Look better the first post, don't be nervous and read carefully .. all my post! 

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u made it or the l2jfree?

Ofc i made it by self ..

Yea right... :P


You are offtopic too, so stfu.

Where did L2JFree devs said that they made the code from scratch?

Look on their timeline, every time they take something from L2J they write in description.

Conversation over. I made my point.

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Conversation over. I made my point.


You get your point? and i'm not off topic bcauz is my topic!


And yes i made by self for l2emu!


- Again you are off topic you such don't listen me.


Yea you made your point -1 (for off topic again after warning) and a report.


Now is over.



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