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Afou teleiosa to guide tou necro arxisa na prospa8w na ftiaxnw to guide enos sps..


Oi sps..einai elf kai xrhsimopioun thn 8etikh magia kai den exoune katares..para kapia debuff skills kai kapia epi8entika skills pou katevazoune stats tou antipalou..



To guide periexei.




Erwtishs me kitrino

apantishs me kanoniko aspro.


Gia na ftiakseis 1an sps ta quest einai ta eksis


elven mystic

spell singer

mystic muse


Wraia..Twra ekana ton spell singer mou!Alla den exw idea apo spell singer pia armor,pio weap kai pia skills ine kalutera?

Edw 8a lusoume tis apories sas!!

Arxizontas pame sta skills


Hydro Blast 3149598767_8009fba8be_o.jpg-->Xtypaei ton antipalo ektokseuontas nera..Arketa dynato skill..Panta sto skillbar prwtes 8eseis..

Surender To Water 3149598777_be42c5829d_o.jpg-->Polu simantiko skill panta to kanoume prwto ston antipalo..Tou mionei resist sta light attack sas kai skate pio polla damage!

Solar Flare..3149598771_4bfe15a6c7_o.jpg--> Polu dynato skill..Xtypaei ton antipalo me enan kerauno.

epishs polu simantiko

Aura Flare..3149598773_218ba6069c_o.jpg-->Kalo kai xrhsimo skill.Varaei para polu grhgora ton antipalo me light attack..

Ice Vortex..3149598779_581c40513e_o.jpg-->Ena apo ta kalutera skill tou sps..Kanei kalo dmg ston antipalo kai epishs tou katevazei casting speed,attack speed kai speed

Light Vortex..3150448088_f2d3ca8347_o.jpg-->Kalo skill..Xtypaei ton antipalo kai skaei kalo dmg kai epishs tou afairei to resistans se light attack


Wraia..Twra ma8ame kai ta skill..Alla mono auta einai?Kapio debuff skill?

Nai o sps exei ena debuff skill alla pernei ligi ora mexri na to kanei..To cancel.(no picture availabe :D)to opoio aferei ta pio simantika skills gia ton antipalo!


Pame twra stis armors!

Epidh to guide ine gia mid-high rate servers den sas sinisto na parete b grade armor gt to xp ine eukolo.

20 lvlElven mithril tunic-->3150448092_7441d25831_o.jpg

40 lvlKarmia tunic-->3150448100_f32a031510_o.jpg

61 lvlDark Crystal Robe-->3150448106_6728646639_o.jpg

Auta apo tis armor..GIA interlude chronicle..Ama ine hellbount i gracia kai panw..8a parete tin dinasty tunic..(No pic available :P)



To kalytero ine i Arcana Mace me idikotita acumen-->3125213878_f4c507f1c3_o.jpg


An twra o server einai hellbount i gracia forate icaruss hall i icarus spirit me SA acumen



8a parete kanonika ta taeosian ads.jpg

Alla an ston server sas mporite na vreite eukola raid boss jewels poly kalytera..Tote 8a forate auta

Neclase of ValakasNecklaceofValakas.jpg

Earing of Antharas EarringofAntharas.jpg

Earing of Zaken ZakensEarring.jpg

Ring of Baium RingofBaium.jpg

Ring of Queen Ant RingofQueenAnt.jpg


Wrea to lusame k auto!Dyes omws?

Gia dyes sas prwtinw..

wit +4 -4 men

int +4 -4 men

con +1 -1 str


Etoima kai ta dyes sas.Na kserete o sps dn ine kalos gia pvp alla na kapies texnikes..

Vs Necromanser..Necromans aka soultaker ine o pio diskolos enemy an exei pet..An exei kalutera mn epixhrisete na ton prokalesete

Ama dite omws oti dn exei pet kai sas varesei kanete Ice vortec kateu8eian peutoun ta stats meta surender k meta aneleita varate hydro blast kai solar flare

Vs Dominator..Oi dominator ine sxetika eukoloi.G auto tous kanete prwta ice vortex kai surrender kai meta peutoune san trapouloxarta ;)

Vs Spell holler..Exoune polu kalo m.attack g auto 8eloune polu prosoxh.Prwta pali kanete ice vortex+surender k exeste na piasete kai kana mc.. :)

Vs Adventurer..Oi pi8anotites ine enantion sas..Apla otan flagarei kanete ice vortex k ama tou piasei k t mio8ei to speed exei kalos..Apomakrineste kanete surrender kai meta hit anelehta.

Vs Tank..Den 8a exete problhma alla kalutera kratiste mia apostash


Autoi ine oi pio simantikoi antipaloi.

Twra gia olympiad..

Gia tous newbies na kserete stn olympiada oi spiritshot den koumpononte,gia auto tis vazete sto F2 kai ta skill ta ipolipa opos voleuestai.I kaliteri taxtikh sth olympiada ine prwta ice vortex + sureender kai meta F2+F2 (SS-HYDRO)kai o 8eos voi8os.Ka8e fora mexri na gemisei to Hydro kante kamia aura i kana solar..


Credits to 8eOpOuLa

width=640 height=375http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3125/3149598761_e8c4eedfa5_b.jpg[/img]


An ine na to kanei kapios copy paste na dosei credits..


to cancel to anaferw an diavaseis ligo kalitera!Alla dn to sinisto xaneis ora para poly mexri na to kanei kai 2teron ase p 8a akouseis vrisidi g@@#$ta :D

(offtopic:TeCpa pes tou niora oti 8a katevw to pasxa na mirasw empiria :P)


Oo dld esy den to xrhsimopoiheis gia pvp ston cursed?gia oly to katalavainw epaize enas filos m oly etuxe me enan donator omws(donate mono to bow)kanei cancel, tou skaei o allos 2 criticals kai gg opote ki egw den to suneistw- gia pvp omws?

offtopic:den 8a poulas ki esy mono empiria an ola pane kat euxhn 8a poulaw ki egw empiria hero se enan allon server bb


Η 2ερη φωτογραφία έχει σβηστεί,το 3ο dye γιατί να είναι 1+ con και όχι 4+ ?  ;)


Πιστεύω ότι θα μπορούσες να το κάνει καλύτερο...  ( ναι δεν είμαι στις καλές μου σήμερα )


Η προσπάθεια μετράει αλλά να βάζουμε τα δυνατά μας! ( ποιο δυνατά  :P )


phoenix ine dokimasmeno afto me ta dyes.dn 8a anevaze sxedon tpt parapanw..pl ligo 8a anevaze..Btw me to 2tero pic den kserw ti skata epa8e alla tecpa.

Leas se pvp server to 8ewro malakia na kaneis debuff skill's san to cc..Tecpa se pion server 8a vgeis hero re??;)



Ps:Surender to water skill pic added!


phoenix ine dokimasmeno afto me ta dyes.dn 8a anevaze sxedon tpt parapanw..pl ligo 8a anevaze..


Ε ναι όμως και αυτό το λίγο μετράει  :P  ή μπορεί να βάλει Dex για να έχει μεγαλύτερο speed.


Btw me to 2tero pic den kserw ti skata epa8e alla tecpa.


κάνε καλύτερα upload Εδώ


8eOpOuLa πάρε αυτό το link [ IMG]http://i41.tinypic.com/25ztrfm.jpg[/img]          (χωρίς το κενό στην αρχή) 


Είναι το Arcana Mace χωρίς αυτή τη κοκκινάδα 25ztrfm.jpg 


Allo ena guide


Gratz 8eopoula



Pame na ta Kalipsoume ola ta classes


Btw savvato tha ftiaxw scavenger


hmm pezw sps edw k 4 xronia sinexia ( sps ftw ) koita gia mena idika afto p eipes me soultaker oti me pet na mhn agraroume me atomo p eixe idia item ( l2energynet ) ton spaw sxedon 100% arxizw me afton cancel ( bb buffs ) xono to pet 2-3 ( kato ) k meta ton arxizw vortex crusher hydro ( bb ) to mono pou fovame apo soultaker einai na mhn piasi curse of abys... kala gia anchor silence den milaw gt exw na faw apo  c7kamael silence k pezw gracia pt2 lol xD

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