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Website: https://www.jpszone.com
Forum: https://www.jpszone.com/forum
Tweeter: https://twitter.com/jpszone_

---::: Introduction :::---
Hi Adventurers of JPSZone, we wanted to communicate, that after several months and even years of literally breaking our heads solving errors (some of us and some from others, were not so much), we believe that it would be possible to start to play normally on the server. Of course, we recognize that we still have some technical details to polish, everything will never be finished, something can always be improved, but even so, we think that with the updates that we will make, over time, they can be corrected progressively all those details that could be missing, incomplete or simply that were poorly planned. That is why, all accounts created will remain with the same user/password/character PIN created during the beta phase. All characters will remain (to be fair and save me headaches) with all personalizations at the moment of the creation and in the same place where they were the last time they logged out of the server.

---::: Game Description :::---
Master the advanced combat system and harness the power of real-time tactical decisions while fighting.
Choose your path by creating unique characters from six different races: Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc, Dwarf, and Kamael.
Form a clan and unite your powers to defeat enemies and achieve common goals.
Take part in colossal player-versus-player siege warfare battles, defending your castle or fortress whatever the cost.
Level up a baby pet into a superior companion, or travel in style with a rideable wolf or strider pet.

Welcome to Retail gameplay again!
Feel the game again as it was in its origins!
Have fun!

Server Rates
> Experience (EXP): 3x | Skill Points (SP): 3x
> Adena: 3x | Items Drop: 3x | Spoil: 3x
> Quest Experience (EXP): 3x
> Quest Skill Points (SP): 3x
> Quest Drop Items: 3x
> Quest Adena: 3x
> Additional Quest Multipliers: 3x
> Weight Limit: 1x
> Extractable items and skills rate: 3x
> Party Multiplier (EXP and SP): 1.5x
> Manor: 3x
> Raid Drop: 3x (Grand RaidBosses jewelry amount 1x)
> Hellbound Increase/Decrease: 3x
> Pets Experience (EXP): 3x
> Sin Eater Experience (EXP): 3x

Basic Configurations (Retail-Like)
> Buff Slots: 20 | Dance and Songs Slots: 12 and 12
> Auto Learn Skills: No; Forgotten and/or Divine Inspiration Autolearn: No
> Autoloot: No; Autoloot RaidBoss: No
> Sell and craft offline mode
> Vitality System
> Nevit's Blessing System, Nevit's Hourglass and Nevit's Herald System
> Champions System | Wedding System
> PcBang Points System | Lucky Pigs System
> High Five Treasure Chests System
> All Seven Signs Quest (12 Quests)
> Spawn Return System
> Pailaka Working
> Kamaloka Working
> Rim Kamaloka Working
> Elpies, Rabbits, Race events scheduled
> Fishing King Championship Tournament Event
> Kratei's Cube Event
> Aerial Cleft Event
> Enhanced Players Security with Secondary Auth Password
> Reboot by Maintenance (Begins Every Wed. at 10:00 AM Server Local Time, Announcing it to players online for 10 minutes
> High Ping Protection System
> Full Geodata & Pathnodes

> .expon and .expoff - Enable and disable EXP gain
> .teletocl - Teleports you near your clan leader
> .online - Show you in-game players
> .changepassword - Change the actual password by another one.
> .changeemail - Change the actual email by another one.
> .repair character name - Repair broken players.
> .store - Update player data (in case of emergency).
> .premium - Check your premium status.

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