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Server Website: http://l2inferno.com/

Server Forums: http://l2inferno.com/forum/


* EXP/SP 9999x
* Adena 9999(Custom)
* Drop 9999x

* New characters level 40


* Apella Armor [5% more stats than Draconic/Imperial/DC Robe]


Color system:
* 100/500/1000 PvP Kills


Enchant Rates:
* Safe +4
* Blessed and normal scrolls max enchant - +40
* Crystal scrolls max enchant - +40
* Normal scrolls chance - 65%
* Blessed scrolls chance - 85%
* Blessed scroll failure returns +4
* Crystal scrolls chance - 100% to +40


* High Grade lifestone 10% skill chance
* Top Grade lifestone 15% skill chance
* Olympiad restrictions skills - All passives & Celestial disabled.


* Castles - Giran, Aden, Rune
* Sieges every Saturday for Giran, Aden & Sunday for Rune


Server features:
*  Main towns - Giran, Aden, Rune.
* Stackable items.
* Casino npc manager.
* Wedding system.
* Npc augmention & skill enchanter.
* Npc AIO Buffer.
* Max buffs slot 50.
* Max 5 subclasses.
* No weight limit.
* Npc password change.
* Npc top 15 Pvp/Pk players.
* Offline trade system.
* Free sub & change class.
* TvT Event every 1 hour.
* Auto reward every 40 minutes for online players.
* Champions drop Mystery box with 70% chance.
* Reworked balance. (Not any balancer modification. Only skills balance)


Server Items:
* Vote, Event, Online coins.
* Clan Items. (make your clan full level + clan skills)
* Noblesse Item. (Bless your character with Noblesse status)
* Apella armor
* Fighter & Mage tattoos.
* Custom accessories (+200 P.def/M.def)
* Mystery box (Chance to get lifestone or book of giants)


Server Areas:
* Retail zones.
* Farm area Dion(Outside) as safe zone - Adena
* Elven & MOS farm - pvp/pk allowed - Adena
* Party zone(Combat zone) - Drops High & Top lifestones, Books, Blessed scrolls, Adena, Random box.


Raidbosses Info:

* Barakiel 4 hours respawn - Bless your party with Noblesse status.
* Unique raidbosses 6 hours respawn - Same drop for all raid. [Drop Coins, Dynasty part, 30% drop Crystal Scroll, Lifstones, Bog]
* Grandbosses - Queen Ant & Baium have the same drop. 12 hours respawn. [Drop GB, Crystal Scrolls, Lifstones, Bog,Shield, Hat part]
* Antharas & Valakas x1.5% more drop. 16 hours respawn. [Drop GB, Crystal Scrolls, Lifstones, Bog,Shield, Hat part]
* Raidbosses & Grandbosses combat zone.


Olympiad system:
* Retail olympiad game.
* New heroes every 2 weeks.
* Olympiad start time 18:00 end 20:00.
* Win 9 matches to be hero.
* Need at least 20 pvp kills for register.
* Augments restrictions skills - All passives & Celestial shield disabled.


Server commands:
.menu (Opens your character private menu)
.raidinfo (Opens a window for raidbosses info)
.repair (Opens a window to repair your stucked character)
.online (How much players are online)
.tvtjoin | .tvtleave | .tvtinfo (Reg/leave or check a tvt event)
.deposit | .withdraw (Make adena or goldbar)
.secure | .removecode (You can secure your character. Also, you can delete your code).
.leave (Leave from pvp flagzone in primeval isle).
.offline (Make your shop offline trader)


Vote system:
* You can take your reward from Vote Manager.
* Auto vote reward every 10 votes.

Edited by Celestine

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