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OBT : 1 February - 15 February ( 15 days )
GvG : 15 February
Grand Opening date21 February

  • 10:00 UTC-8 Pacific Time (US)
  • 11:00 UTC-7 Mountain Time (US)
  • 15:00 UTC-3 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  • 18:00 UTC (London, United Kingdom)
  • 19:00 UTC+1 (Berlin, Germany)
  • 21:00 UTC+3 (Moscow, Russian Federation)





  • EXP/SP; x3
  • ADENA ; x2
  • DROP; x2
  • SPOIL; x2 amount
  • RaidBoss Drop; x1
  • Epic Boss Drop ; x1
  • Attribute exp; x2
  • Max windows; 3
  • Chronicle ; Classic - Shadow of Kamael 3.0






The project has a level restriction system, which depends on the degree of evolution of the server - Revelation of Limit. There are three stages of revelation which are regulated directly by players. The Limits impose a restriction only on the maximum level of characters which can be obtained before the next Stage of Revelation of Limit.

Step-By-Step Unlocking Limit Levels

  • First Step - Maximum Level 65
  • Second Step - Maximum Level 75
  • Third Stage - all restrictions for maximum level are completely removed.

All game content is always available, there are no restrictions on it! Except maximum allowable level of the character.

We are announcing minimum requirements for disclosing limit steps, so that each player can try their hand at available content and take participate in all global gaming events that affect server life.

Minimum Requirements for Disclosing the Second Stage of the Limit

  • Amount of characters who have reached level 65 - 400
  • Amount of characters with a second profession - 800
  • Amount of B grade items on the server - 500
  • Killing the epic boss Queen Ant - 5 times
  • Level 1 Clan Arena progress achieved. Arenas 1-5 has been completed and acquired Clan Exuberance lvl.1 Amount of clans - 4

Minimum Requirements for Disclosing the Third Stage of the Limit

  • Amount of characters who have reached level 75 - 200
  • Amount of characters with completed quest Saga of Legend - 100
  • Killing the epic boss Zaken - 4 times
  • Level 3 Clan Arena progress achieved. Arenas 11-15 has been completed and acquired Clan Exuberance lvl.3 Amount of clans - 4
  • Giran Castle has been captured





L-Coins are a new currency.
They can be used for buying various items in the L-Coin Store.

How can I get L-coins?
There is a chance to recieve L-Coins while hunting monsters.
Only predefined amount of L-Coins can be obtained daily depending on the character's level (reset at 6:30 am)

  • Lv 1-40 can obtain 160 daily L-Coins
  • Lv 41+ can obtain 300 daily L-Coins.


Godess Blessing - Buff System *NEW


How does buffer works?

  • Players receive 14 buffs from Buffer NPC "Goddess Blessing" in every town.
  • Level of buffs received depending on average character's level of the server.
  • The average character's level of the server is updated every day at 6:30 AM.

Buffer Fee.

  • Goddess Blessing is free for characters below level 40.
  • For characters level 40+ each buff of Goddess of Blessing has an 1320 adena fee up to a maximum of 18480 adena fee (14 buffs). Refill effect time without fee. 

Available buff's; 

  • Clarity, Berserker Spirit, Wild Magic, Empower, Acumen, Shield, Might, Magic Barrier, Wind Walk, Haste, Death Whisper, Focus, Recover MP, Recover HP

Display of icons depend on Race but effects are the same (Just visual)

96affc40133ac43331100770964a148f.png76a26a9792df61d7536c420fdd07cc62.png Kamaels

4b2a0a9023c701d8d3fb7f28cd0f96ac.png76a26a9792df61d7536c420fdd07cc62.png Orcs

205a67cd42375e809951c10b93e4932b.png76a26a9792df61d7536c420fdd07cc62.png Dark Elfs ; Elfs and Humans

80a96b0bc832fcce91ef6cf8764fb69a.png76a26a9792df61d7536c420fdd07cc62.png Dwarfs





  • Raidbosses will have Barrier. 
  • Raidbosses will give XP/SP
  • Removed 'Raid Curse' from Raidbosses if your character have higher level than Raidboss by 8 or more.
  • All Raid Bosses above level 65 will spawn at 22:00 GMT+2
  • 75 level bosses will spawn at Ancient Battleground and War-Torn Plains (Essence-like)
  • 70 Level Bosess will spawn near Silent Valley. (Essence-like)
  • 65 Level bosses will spawn around The Cementery (Essence-like)

Raidboss killing Rewards (Character must be at least at 1300 range when Raidboss is defeated);

  • EXP and SP are now shared between all raid participants, even if only one hit was dealth.
  • After the deat of the RaidBoss, each Raid Participant recieve a Blessing of Giant buff - PVE damage bonus +10%, XP/SP/DROP bonus +10% (60 minutes)
  • Each Raid participan recieves a chest with fragments of the agathion's soul and a High-Level Experience Scroll Coupon x2. Fragments of The Agathions Souil can be exchanged for the Agathion Soul of the desired rank, as soon as you collect the necessary amount of the Exanghe. NPC Baggins in Giran Town can help you with that.
  • Raid Members who wntered the list of Top-10 characteres by the amount of damage (caused most damage on the boss) get the opportunity to pick up the loot after the death of the boss. Even if they were no in the party.

Epic Bosses respawn time ;

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - Queen Ant at 22:00 GMT+2
  • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - Core at 23:00 GMT+2
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Orfen at 22:00 GMT+2
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Zaken at 22:00 GMT+2
  • Friday - Baium at 23:00 GMT +2
  • Sunday - Antharas at 23:00 GMT+2



A special system for obtaining fragments of epic jewlery.
After defeating a epic raid boss, (Queen Ant, Core, Orfen) NPC Rash will appear. He will help you to get Special Supply Chest - Rah's Supplies that contains by chance;
Fragments of Epic Jewlery (Epic Jewlery Stone)

  • Balthus Knight's Varnish
  • Balthus Knigh's Shinning Varnish
  • Balthus Knight's Glittering Varnish

Fragments of Epic Jewlery ( Epic Jelwery Stone) can be exchanged for a Damaged version of Epic jewlery. With the Help of Knight's Varnish, you can imprive this jewlels from 0 to +10 depending on the leve of improvement, possitive effects can be felt.




  • Olympiad System ; classic-like without full buff/potions (Before Kamael update)
  • Matches day; Friday and Saturday.
  • Olympiad duration; Weekly heroes.
  • Olympiad time, From 20:00 - 00:00 GMT+2
  • Maximum Matches; 30
  • Class games; disabled
  • Maximum accounts/HWID; 1


  • Day of Siege; Sunday
  • Cycle; Every week.
  • Time of Sieges ; 22:00 GMT+2
  • Available castles; Giran


  • Maximum level of clan : 5
  • Maximum members ; 100
  • Time to change leader; Instantly without restart needed.
  • Penalty for leave clan ; 24h.
  • Penalty for dispell clan member; none.


We made some changes in the hunting areas to provide more comfortable gameplay. We’ve redesigned the number of mobs in current locations to make them more convenient.


  • Abandoned Camp - Gludin - Lv 21+
  • Gorgon Flower Garden - Giran - Lv 31+
  • Death Pass - Giran - Lv 35+
  • Sea of Spores - Oren - Lv 40+
  • Cruma Tower - Dion - Lv 40+
  • Dragon Valley - Giran - Lv 42+
  • Cemetery - Aden - 50+
  • Fields of Massacre - Aden - Lv 55+
  • Plains of Glory - Aden - Lv 60+
  • War-Torn plains - Aden - Lv 67+



Costume will be visual only no additional stats will be given just a small XP Gain bonus.
Costume provide no stats, passives or. active skills

Duration of effect; 60 minutes.
Reuse delay : 180 minutes.
Costumes do not replace your armor.
Every time you use a costume it requires "Magic Powder" which you can buy in NPC: Pona
You can disable in Options the visualization of costumes if you don't like to see them in-game.

How to obtain a Costume?
By daily hunting missions . You will obtain after completing daily hunting mission 1 Costume Sealbook Fragment. Once you have 10 of them you can exchange them on NPC Pona (Giran town, close to luxury shop) for 1 Costume Sealbook : Random. Which will give you a random skin.
You can also directly buy the Costume Sealbook on Donation Shop for 100 Coins of Luck.

How to trade costumes with other players?
In case you would like to trade your costume for other with other player or sell it, you just need to use the "Extract system". Select the desired costume, click on "Extract" and you will convert it in a Sealbook.


Extract has 100% success rate.
Extract Requires ; Costume Extract Scrolls (Which you can buy on NPC: Pona) and Adena.

Additional information
For confort you can always add any Costume in the Costume Menu as "Favorite" and you will be able to use the costume from the Interface without need to open the menu again. Works like the traditional Skill bar, just click on and you will dress up.


Types of Costumes.
There exist 5 different types of the same costume; as higher the type is, cooler your animation will be and better boost of XP you will get!.
Standard (+3% XP Gain Bonus)
Advanced (+5% XP Gain Bonus)
Rare (+7% XP Gain Bonus)
Legendary (+10% XP Gain Bonus)
Mythic (+15% XP Gain Bonus)

How to evolve a Costumes to a better type?
In the costume menu, you select the Costume you want to evolve and click on evolve.
You will need certain amount of same type of Costume.


To evolve from Standard to Advanced you will need 10 Standard type costumes.
To evolve from Advanced to Rare you will need 10 Advanced type costumes.
To evolve from Rare to Legendary you will need 6 Rare type costumes.
To evolve from Legendary to Mythic you will need 3 Legendary type costumes.



We adapted the learning skill system to nowdays playstyle simplificed and balanced.

  • First class skills will be auto-learn. Except skills that requiere Spellbook. Those skills wich requiered spellbook will now only requiere 35.000 adena. 
  • Second Class skills will requiere SP (Skill Points) . Those skills wich requiered spellbook will now only requiere 500.000 adena.
  • Third class skills will remain retail. SP and Spellbook requiered.
Edited by PlasticJesus
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