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Edw einai suntomes entoles gia to lineage 2.


apo http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12689.0


Grhgora kleidia


Alt+T dixnei plirofories gia ton xaraktira

Alt+C dixnei ta action tou xaraktira

Alt+K dixnei ta skil tou xaraktira

Alt+U dixnei ta quest

Alt+V dixnei to invetory tou xaraktira

Alt+B dixnei to pinaka Community

Alt+X dixnei to system Options

Alt+J e3afanizei to chat.Anoixto mono ALT+H

Alt+W e3afanizei to rantar.Anoixto mono me ALT+H

Alt+H anigei h klinei ola ta pramata p vriskodai sthn othonh

ESC akonei otidipote kanei o char

PrtScn vgazei photo

Tab idio me ALT+V

Ctrl boi8aei na xtipiseis enan char xwris na exei flag h karma h na einai war.Diladi na exei white name

Alt+Ctrl stamataei opiadipote drasi me to pvp

ALT+[F1-F10] gia na alazeis tis bares(as poumai exeis thn prwth bara ama patiseis ALT F2 tha se paei sthn 2 bara adistixa k stis alles bares)

[F1-F12] xrisimopieis ta skils p exeis sthn prwth bara

ALT+[1-10]gia na alazeis tis bares(as poumai exeis thn prwth bara ama patiseis ALT F2 tha se paei sthn 2 bara adistixa k stis alles bares)

[1-10,-,+]xrisimopieis ta skils p exeis sthn prwth bara

Arrows Character control xirizese ton char

W S A D Character control xirizese ton char

Home topothetei thn camera mprosta apo ton char sas

End topothetei thn camera pisw apo ton char sas

Page Up / Page Down alazei thn camera sthn othonh sas




[message] boroun na to diavasoun oloi oi char p einai koda sas

![message] boroun na to diavasoun oloi oi char p vriskodai sthn perioxh p eistai

+[message] boroun na to diavasoun oloi oi char p vriskodai sthn perioxh p eistai(auto fenete sto trabe chat)

#[message] boroun na to diavasoun oloi oi char p vriskodai sto GrouP sas(PaRty)

@[message] boroun na to diavasoun oloi oi char p vriskodai sthn clan p eistai

$[message] boroun na to diavasoun oloi oi char p vriskodai sto ally p einai h clan sas(ally=sumaxia)

%[message] boroun na to diavasoun oloi oi char p vriskodai sto game(einai to chat twn hero)

"[character] [message] borei na to diavasei mono o char p tou kaneis pm




/friendlist vlepeis tous filous p exeis kanei invite

/friendinvite(name) kaneis enan allo player filo

/blocklist vlepeis tous players p exeis kanei ignore

/block (name) otan to kaneis se allo player auto then borei na se kanei pm

/unblock (name) gia na vgaleis to block p ekanes se enan allo player

/allblock then borei na se pm kaneis mesa apo to game

/allunblock gia na vgaleis to allblock

/evaluate gia na kaneis kapion rec(Recommend)




/socialno o char tinazei to kefali tou k enoei "eimai enantia sto"

/socialyes kounaei to kefali k ta xeria tou o char k leei o sumfonei

/socialbow upoklinete o xaraktiras

/socialunaware otan o char then exei idea apo kati simenei

/socialwaiting otan o char variete na perimenei

/sociallaugh otan o char gelaei

/socialhello otan o char xeretaei

/socialvictory otan o char sikonei to weapon tou k fonazei "NIKHHH"

/socialcharge otan o char leei "EPITHESH"

/socialdance otan o char Xorevei

/socialsad otan o char kleei

/socialapplause otan o char enoei einai omwrfo


Tropoi gia na miliseis me ton GM


/gm [message] se pigenei sto petition

/petition [message] to idio /gm command

/gmcancel gia na stamatiseis to ptetion

/petitioncancel [message] to idio me to /gmcancel command

/gmlist na deis ama uparxoun GM ON




/loc stoixia gia thn 8esh tou char

/sit gia na kathisei o char

/stand gia na sikothei o char

/walk peripatos tou char

/run gia na tre3ei o char

/pickup gia na sikoseis items apo kato

/mountdismount gia na katevei apo 1 PeT

/unstuck ama then exete soe kade /unstuck(xriazete 5min gia na teliosei)




/trade [character] gia na kaneis trade se enan allo char

/buy gia na kathisei enas char shop k na agorazei items

/vendor gia na kaneis sell 3 items

/privatemanufacture einai to shop p boreis na craftareis

/findprivatestore [text] gia na vreis ena item p theleis(ama to exei kapios shop to item p theleis to chat apo to shop tou ginete edono)

/findprivatestore gia na stamatisei auto




/attack [target] Gia na xtipiseis ena mob ena allo player(pvp-pk)

/attackforce [target] Gia na xtipiseis ena mob h enan allo player se opiadipote morfh

/attackstand [target] gia na xtipiseis enan allo player otan einai se pvp h se pk

/useskill [skill] [target] gia na kaneis ena skill sto target p exeis

/useskillforce [skill] [target] borei na kanei ena skill se ena mob h se enan allo player se opiadipote 8esh p einai

/useskillstand [skill] [target] o player prepei na mhn exei flag

/target [target] gia na kaneis target enan allo player

/targetnext sinithos to xrisimopoimou se pvp pianei automata target allous players

/assist [target] gia na piaseis to target enws allou player

/olympiadstat boreis na deis ta point k tis nikes apo oly




%target otan patas to macro se kapion plater h mob dixnei to name sto chat(px ENEMY IN MY TARGET MAXPOWER)

%self na piaseis target auton p se exei target

%pet na piaseis target auton p exei to pet sas target

%party na piaseis target auton p kaneis target ena melos apo to party sas

/useskill [skill] vazeis 1 skill mesa se ena macro

/useskillforce [skill] vazeis 1 skill mesa sto macro k then xriazese na patas Ctrl otan xoneis enan allo player k as exei aspro name.




/allyinvite [target clan leader] gia na valeis 1 clan sto ally sas

/allydismiss [clan] gia na vgaleis 1 clan apo to ally sas

/allyleave gia na vgite apo ena ally

/allydissolve gia na xalaseis to ally sou

/allycrest gia na valeis crest sto ally sou

/allywarstart [alliance] gia na arxiseis ena war me ena allo ally

/allywarstop [alliance] gia na stamatiseis ena war me ena allo ally

/allywarsurrender [alliance] paradosh mias simaxias

/allyinfo na deis tis clan k ta status tis mesa sto ally

/warlist /clanwarlist na deis ta war mias clan

/underattacklist /attackerlist na deis pies clan se exoun kanei war

/attacklist /enemylist na deis me pies clan exeis war

/nick gia na valeis to title p theleis

/siegestatus na deis posa clan members uparxoun sto siege(mono leader me nobleese borei na to kanei auto)

/clanpenalty gia na dei thn pinh p exei h clan










apo oti ta eida ena ena prepei na einai swsta,dose +1 karma ;D.Plaka kanw dikia sou apofash.

K4rma boreis na to valeis me edona kitrina gramata opws to agliko post gia na mhn 3exastei.

file apo panw gia na kaneis rec ston allo prepei na ton exeis target.

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