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Hello everyone...


I hope you all are having a fantastic weekend and enjoying your weekend. some of you are enjoying it watching Avengers EndGame and other die-hard Game of Thrones fans waiting for tomorrow's episode of GOT S8E3. This has been a fantastic weekend so far. Let's see how it goes for all of you.


I am new here on this forum. I don't know anything about cracking, checking or hacking. that's why I came here, and I hope someone from you, help me with this and teach me about all these things. I really want to learn all these techniques. 


I am hoping that you guys will help me here.


waiting for your replies. 



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Yo welcome.


As for the Avengers - why didn't Thanos just snap his fingers to make the universe twice as big with twice as many resources? It's going to get repopulated again. Also why did he fight all those heroes instead of turning them all into jello like the gray guy and the asian girl earlier in the movie? 

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3 hours ago, Herlitz said:

Yo welcome.


As for the Avengers - why didn't Thanos just snap his fingers to make the universe twice as big with twice as many resources? It's going to get repopulated again. Also why did he fight all those heroes instead of turning them all into jello like the gray guy and the asian girl earlier in the movie? 

Because the scenario was like that? xD haha "sorry can't resist" :P

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