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[Share] Rin4a's Buffer v1.3

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well there aren't any bugs, so you have to restart the server only if you mess something up with configuration...

in v1.1 there will be more security, because if admin will enter the wrong value, the script will not change anything

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  • 2 weeks later...

1st Thanks for this buffer.


2nd well there is an error in your file, in the l2emu folder your python script is exactly the same than the l2jfree one



if you cannot make it work in l2emu do this: put the Rin4as_Custom_Addons folder in your custom quest folder and


on the script.cfg add




and in the __init__.py of the folder do:


replace every

from com.l2jfree. (somthing like this) by: from net.l2emuproject.


it makes it work...



but one question, i got an error after each buffs, it seems to be after 30 buffs...


at the line 751 =>

st.getPlayer().sendPacket(CreatureSay(st.getPlayer().getObjectId(), 3, "Buffer", "This Buffer is made by Rin4a!"))



this error is said in npc...taceback (innermost last) file __init.py at line 751 blablabla






and if i can make a suggestion, could you put a new style, like 2 colums for the list of buffs, because with simple buffs, when people are buffing it takes time to go down all the time with the mouse wheel


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1) Vago, I ensure you that I made it

2) sorry, I forgot to change the imports name

3) that line 751 is not an error, it's supposed to do that

4) thanks for suggestion, but I tried to do it, but because of the long names for some buffs, design is getting messed up




fixed that import error, check the first post for updates!

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well i dont use it yet on my server because of theese buffs-long names, but you could add a thing to make custom presets, with buffs that we want, and make a thing to make easier the creation of cathegories, because atm i'm too noob in jython to create a new cathegory ;s

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there's no need to modify the script, because you just enter the game and manage buffs...

there are 6 main categories: Buffs, Songs, Dances, Chants, Kamael, Special Buffs and if you want someone to be VIP there is 7th category: VIP.

To add VIP you just enter the game as administrator, click on Manage VIP and Add VIP... enter a part or full player name and list of available players will show, click on the needed and it will be VIP.

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