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Elpizw na boi8isete.. exw anoiksi enan server kai skeftomoun na ton kanw gm server Dioti 8a i8ela o ka8enas mas na exei mia mikri empeiria apo gm rights... Ala exo kolisei se ena simeio ekei p paw gameserver/config/option kai alazw apo false se true ekei p m leei

# If true, the server will be set as gm only at startup

ServerGMOnly = false to bazw true kai o server ksekinaei ola kala.. ala to login einai down.. mipws einai akuro auto to meros p epilegw.. an mporousate na me katatopisete mono sto ti ru8miseis kanw gia na bgenoun i normals chars gms... 8a me boi8ousate polu... ty gia ton xrono sas kai tin katanoisi sas...

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Pigene GAMESERVER\config ekei einai ena properties file ''GMAccess''.

Anoixe to me notepad...kai bres auti tin line :

# If next switch set to true every character will have access level 200.
EverybodyHasAdminRights = False

Alla prin to kaneis True...prepei na allaxeis ta dikeomata tou admin

(gt an exoun oloi oi chars full dikeomata tote QQ) :P

Sto idio arxeio...bres auto edo :

# Configure GM AccessLevels, if AltPrivilegesAdmin is False
GMAccessLevel = 100
GMMinLevel = 100
GMCanAltG = 100
GMCanAnnounce = 100
GMCanBan = 100
GMCanBanChat = 100
GMCanShop = 100
GMCanBuyFree = 100
GMCanDelete = 100
GMCanKick = 100
GMMenu = 100
GMGodMode = 100
GMCanEditChar = 100
GMCanEditCharOther = 100
GMCanViewChar = 100
GMCanEditNPC = 100
GMCanViewNPC = 100
GMViewCharacterInfo = 100
GMViewItemList = 100
GMViewClanInfo = 100
GMViewQuestList = 100
GMViewSkillInfo = 100
GMViewWarehouseWithdrawList = 100
GMCanTeleport = 100
GMCanTeleportOther = 100
GMCanRestart = 100
GMMonsterRace = 100
GMRider = 100
GMFastUnstuck = 100
GMResurectFixed = 100
GMEnchant = 100
GMDoor = 100
GMRes = 100
GMPeaceAttack = 100
GMHeal = 100
GMIRC = 100
GMUnblock = 100
GMCache = 100
GMTalkBlock = 100
GMTest = 100
GMEnchant = 100
GMFunEngine = 100
GMCreateNodes = 100


Kai allaxe ta analoga opos 8es esi.

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A ne xehasa...auto p eipes sto proto post s...

# If true, the server will be set as gm only at startup
ServerGMOnly = false

Min to allazeis!! Auto exei na kanei me to Login,kai oxi me ta privileges.

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